A Spooky Shadow

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Warning: This one has mild horror in it, especially near the end with the monster.

Switch and Fall were chatting away as they approached Switche's tower. Switch had wanted to show people his progress for a few days, but the mod was the only one who really wasn't busy.

"It's really cool of you to give me a tour of your tower." Fall said.

"Yeah, it's good to show your friends your accomplishments." Switch replied in a slightly lower voice.

Fall noticed this. "You okay?" she asked.

Switch was not okay. "Have you seen Coal? She disappeared a week back, and I haven't seen her since."

"Don't worry too much," Fall said while putting a comforting hand on Switche's shoulder. "She's probably just lost outside the world border."

That attempt at comforting would have worked if Switch hadn't seen the strange green figure clinging to the top of his tower. Without hesitation, he took off to examine the strange green being, Fall following behind. As they approached, they saw it was a vaguely reptilian humanoid clinging to the top of the tower with its arms, legs, and bone tail. Its wings spread out to aid visibility.

"Coal?" Switch called.

The reptile did not respond, prompting Switch to fly around and look at its face. He was greeted with Coal's face, but once he saw it he knew something was missing. Her eyes were void white instead of the bright yellow everyone knows and loves. Overcome with shock, Switch almost fell out of the sky, but Fall caught him.

"What happened?" he choked out.

"I don't know." Fall said, just as shocked. "Let's take her to the site. Someone there might know what to do."


Molly woke up in an oven. She threw off her blanket, but the hellish heat persisted. She searched the room for the source of the heat, but the strange figure in the corner caught her attention. It was a wiry being made of pure shadow standing tall from floor to ceiling with dark tendrils twisting around its tail. Clusters of white light formed eyes and mouths around the creature, which were now all focused on Molly as it extended an arm to her. Within seconds of seeing the thing, Molly's moonlight pistol materialized in her hand, and without a second of hesitation, the scared Moon Guardian fired at the creature, the full moon powered bolt hitting the creature square in the chest, and causing it to crumple to the ground.

With that the temperature dropped to an autumn chill. Molly went to examine the creature and found it alive, curled up and trembling. Only two eyes and one mouth showed on its body, all three focused on her. "Molly." It choked out.

Molly was taken aback. How did this thing know her name? Then it clicked.

"Molly, can you help me get back in my body?" Coal asked.

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