Who is The Imposter?

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JTD was the imposter. Of course, everyone knew that after they admitted to killing Fruit. Nobody could really blame Jessie for this. The Duck played 5 rounds in a row as an imposter, and it was understandable they'd want a break from it. Right now, they were just chilling in the dead vc with Fruit and Nico, who was killed by the other imposter. Everyone left the meeting waiting for the imposter to slip up, sabotage something, or just pop off and go on a killing spree. On the bright side, there are still 4 crewmates, and the taskbar is half full.

After the meeting, the group broke off to do their tasks. Mixi was doing the wiring in electrical, and everything was going fine until they felt something pierced their plant brain and killed them. It took a while for anyone to notice Mixi's body, but eventually, Molly found the body and reported it.

"Who and where?" Hollie asked.

"Mixi in electrical," Molly replied.

"Who was in electrical?" Becca asked.

"I was, but that was before Mixi died." Coal said.

"That's a bit Sus Coal." Hollie said.

"Yeah, and when I saw Mixi's body, they had a hole in their head where a mouth tentacle went through, which need I remind you is Coal's favorite murder method."

"Now hold up," Becca interrupted, "That sounds even more Sus then Coal being near the body."

"Either way I'm voting Coal," Hollie said.

"Well, I'm voting Molly, cause I frankly don't her accusations." Coal said.

Becca knew that Molly was voting Coal as well, and the only way to save her was to vote Molly.

They all walked away from the table, annoyed at the Coal/Molly tie.

In her head, Becca was thinking of ways to prove Molly's guilt when the lights went out.

"Great. Molly's sabotaged the lights," Becca said to herself.

However, she didn't get to take two steps toward electrical before the imposter killed her.

Hollie had a much more successful trip to electrical and was able to make it to electrical and fix the lights only to get stabbed in the back and have the game end in an imposter victory.

Everyone filtered back in the regular chat just in time to hear Hollie say "You little..." before realizing she couldn't swear the imposter.

"Honestly Molly, you could have just went with the fact I'm basically a lone wolf as a crewmate focused more on tasks than appearing less Sus."

"Guess I could have," Molly replied.

"And just remember to watch your back the next couple of rounds."

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