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Quick warning: This one features a reptilian humanoid shedding offscreen.

Coal, how's it going down there?" Hollie yelled into the lava ocean.

"Why are you doing?"

Hollie just about jumped out of her skin when she heard that. However, when she turned around, the demon admin saw it was just Molly.

"Sneaky little witch," she muttered under her breath before answering, "Coal's shedding, and I asked her to try and save some pieces for me."

"Sheading?" Coal was a weird creature, and Hollie seemed even weirder for wanting to collect it, but how would lava help either of them in this situation?

"Don't reptiles need warm water to help them shed?" Molly pointed out.

"You remember Coal can't swim and doesn't like water right?" Hollie reminded her, "Besides, Coal also found a bedrock outcrop that helps peel off some skin."

Molly nodded in understanding. "And why do you need her skin?"

"Project that requires a lot of reptile leather."

Just then, a shiny shimmering scaled arm broke the lava's surface and tossed a large section of shed skin to Hollie's feet.

"Thank you Coal."

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