28.5 - Proposal

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I wanted write something like this. No major spoilers, apart from who ends up with Aiden (that much should be obvious.) This is, maybe, 4 years (?) after the previous chapter. I don't know, maybe I'll change my mind and have them separated ot whatever lolol (just kidding i love my characters so much)


In all royal night parties, there was always that peaceful balcony that showed a glorious scenery basking under the moonlight, where couples could spend their time away from the rest of the world.

At the time, Aiden was staying in such a balcony alone, gazing at the moonlit expanse below. He was there, waiting for Eara after sending her a message saying, 'Come find me.'

He had only been there for a couple of minutes, but Eara had already found him.

The silence of the balcony was overridden by music and indistinct chatter for a quick moment as Eara opened the glass door separating the hall and the balcony. The place became silent again after she entered and closed the door behind her.

"Hey." She greeted Aiden with a faint smile on her face. "What's up?"

Aiden's heart had been racing for quite a while then, but seeing Eara in her strapless black and white gown almost made it possible for his heart to win a marathon. Not to mention her hair was gracefully arranged to fall like a waterfall behind her.

Although he felt nervous, he still couldn't help but smile at the sight of such a gorgeous creature. "You're quick. How did you know I was here?"

"I checked the balconies first, thinking you would be on one. And you are on one." Her smile became more apparent, a glint of smugness appearing in her eyes.

Aiden just chuckled and said nothing, prompting Eara to ask again. "So? What's up?"

After a long exhale, Aiden turned away from her, faced the moonlit expanse, and placed his hands on the stone balustrade before saying, "I . . . I'm sorry."

Her smile turning soft, Eara raised an eyebrow and walked towards where Aiden was. She situated herself right beside him and looked at him without turning her head. "What for?"

"For all the . . . wrongs I did." Aiden kept a smile, but his eyes were showing how genuinely apologetic he was.

"Well . . . it has been half a year already," Eara nodded, gazing at the scenery in front of her, "And I can't say that I don't hate remembering the things that happened by then . . ."

Aiden's expression turned wry as she said that.

". . . But, we can't change that anymore, can we?" She continued, "Plus, I'm happy enough that you're able to return to me. Everything you did during that time . . . it's not something I should be upset about."

"But . . . are you?"

". . . Um." She made a faint, awkward smile, before letting out a sigh, "Well, it's pretty hard to not be upset." She then chuckled softly.

Aiden faltered upon hearing that line, but at the same time, he felt delighted. He was affecting Eara's life in a major way.

"But," she continued, "I'm not mad at you. Not in the tiniest bit."

". . . Really?"

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