Cosmopolitan Blush

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If not because of my brother Yoon Seung Ho's upcoming wedding, I will not come again into any random matchmaking blind date like this. The last time was a disaster, and the previous dates were too. His wedding is in three days, and to show up with a plus one would likely better rather than to go solo. At least, to avoid those pitiful stares from guests who know our family well.

I have never got lucky in love. The last time was with Seo Jun Hee, a best friend of Seung Ho, but turned out we were not meant to be. My mother strongly rejected our relationship as lovers, and he asked me to move with him to the United States, leaving my family, friends, career, and hometown behind. The timing was messy, my parents were upset with me, my previous boyfriend kept bugging me, and I was involved in a sexual harassment case in my office.

I thought that was because of my mother, but after we ended it and I reflected on it all, she simply wanted the best for me, in the way she knew how. Classic criteria as she wanted me to be with a mature and successful man rather than the young one who just has his career started.

Sure that her extreme moves intruding our relationship had contributed to the mess, but my relationship with Jun Hee wasn't healthy either. It was all giggles and kisses, but we kept lying to each other. Sometimes I thought he was childish, too intense, but I was in love back at that time. Add our lack of communication, I took some important decisions without asking him, whilst he felt that I disrespected him.

I couldn't. Then he moved there far away from here, leaving me and our relationship.

I made a promise to myself, that if I ever fall in love again, I won't repeat the same mistake by falling too fast or rush things in. Nobody is perfect, but I have to take time building my trust in and around him, that I feel comfortable to always stay sincere and honest.

But following after Jun Hee, were another series of brief flings and unlucky blind dates.

But this blind date is arranged by Seung Ho himself, feeling uncomfortable-if guilty sounds too honest- that he as the younger sibling, is going to get married first, leaving his elder sister behind. He tried to assure me several times that the other party, the guy he's going to set me up with is worth the shot.

They met through video games. Video games, for God's sake.

Said that he is so good and tricky at it, but also value Seung Ho's opinion on creating a strategy. They often talk through the platform chat provided by the video game, and I don't know how he can pull a conclusion, that this guy, is going to be a great match for me.

I can't even imagine what does he look like. Seung Ho only said that he's gorgeous. No other description. Did they ever meet? I didn't even ask him.

So here I am, just arrived in front of the hotel where we are supposed to meet. Don't think that far. Not a chance. The meeting point is the hotel's lounge this evening at 8, chosen because this guy stays in this hotel for a few days. Don't know why too, but I guess that is not my problem for now.

It's raining and cold outside. I shiver from the wind chills, and quickly I pull the hem of my dress down and tidy it up. I should have worn pants, but this is a blind date, so I have to stick to what I planned to wear since that's the way to identify your date. But I keep my coats on. If he turns out to be that hideous or someone I knew from the past, I can easily slip out before revealing myself.

Taking the last glance at the wall mirror in the lobby, and make sure that my barely-there make up is still there. I don't need to impress him. This is merely only purposed to get a plus one for the wedding ceremony event.

I can't contact this guy, that Seung Ho refused to exchange names and phone numbers between him and me. He only gave me one hint. This guy said that he will wear a white tee under a dark brown blazer. Didn't even tell me his name too, but he will ask whether I am Yoon Seung Ho's sister.

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