Flutter, Flutter Butterflies

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As promised, Yoo Jin Woo shows up at the wedding venue, the ballroom of the same hotel where we met three days ago.

He comes bringing a wedding present and greets me by complimenting my look.
"Maybe I'm the hundredth person who says it to you today, but let me, you look beautiful, Jin Ah."

"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself."

Not so bad? A gorgeous man in a black suit? You gotta be kidding.

In just three days, we have got closer, flirt more than what friends do, but not even lovers yet. We didn't go on a date or meet again, but didn't stop texting, telling each other about how's the day. From important things like-wait, nothing was really important. Texts were about what was I doing, have I had my lunch, have I reached home, how was work, things like that.

And add this one, yesterday morning, he called me. I was in a rush preparing myself for work, so we talked while I dressed up. Then we switched to Facetime when he needed my opinion on which suit to wear tomorrow. It was just a brief one minute Facetime, then I ended it, worried that I'd be late for work.

But by the time I reached my desk, I got a bouquet of pink roses, with a card, written :

Can't pick words. By the way, you look pretty today. -Yoo Jin Woo

No romantic words, but how was I supposed to feel for that? I got butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't stop smiling the whole day.

"Are they your parents?" Jin Woo's question pulls me back to the present. His eyes are looking at the corner of the room where both my father and mother are. "Introduce me to your parents, please."

"Are you sure? What for?"

"Wouldn't they ask you about me? your relatives probably will ask them as well."

This is Seung Ho's wedding and they may say that they come for him, but some of them must be curious about Seung Ho's noona, who's not married yet. Is she still single? Why she hasn't married yet? With this gorgeous man next to me coming as my plus one, there will be an extra spotlight on us.

"Alright, I get your point."

I lead him to the corner, and before we even reach that close to them, my parents have caught our presence and fix their eyes on him.

"Eomma, Appa, this is my friend Yoo Jin Woo," I introduce him.

He politely bows to them and says, "It's an honor to finally meet Jin Ah's parents. Indeed, a beautiful family you have, Mr. Yoon."

With no need to explain, my parents know that he comes as my date. My father asks us to sit with them at the round table in the corner, not far from where we stand.  He politely thanks him and pulls a seat for me before he takes his seat next to me.

Looking at his expensive black suit, my mother ecstatically asks him, "how did you two meet? I don't know that Jin Ah has a close friend named Jin Woo."

"We just have known each other briefly. It's Seung Ho who gave me the chance to introduce my self to Jin Ah, and I intend to know more about each other better," he firmly answers.

Wow. Stop right there. Know each other better? As if he's asking permission from my parents to court me.

Mother is, obviously interested in him. She can't handle her curiosity and asks about his job. Once the word CEO comes out, she glances at me and gives an approving smile. I know that she has some standards on what would she calls an ideal husband for me. She wants me to have a partner who already has settled financially. Jin Woo scores a tick on this criteria.

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