Chapter 3

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"About what?"



Fitz cut me off and said,"Soph listen to me."

"Fine. Go on."

"I like you alot and I know I've told you before but I figured out I love you more than anything."

"I like you too."


"Let me finish, I like you too but only as a brother."

"Oh. Ok maybe we should have some space."


Fitz walked out of the Healing Center. I kinda feel bad about it. Anyways I tried transmitting to Keefe once again.

Keefe please wake up. I need you.

Then I heard a knock on the door. Elwin rushed to open the door. Standing in the doorway was a messenger.

"I have a scroll" he declared.

Elwin grabbed the scroll and handed it to me. I broke open the seal and unrolled the scroll. It said,

Citizens of the Lost Cities,

We regret to inform you that if Keefe Sencen doesn't wake up in the next three days then we will have a planting in the Wandering Woods for him. A scroll will be delivered if nessisary with the date of the planting.

~The Councillors

I felt tears start to well up in my eyes. They can't do this to me.

"We have to try as hard as we can to wake him up."

"Why?" Elwin asked.

I handed him the scroll and he read it.

"Well Sophie I think you need some rest to build up your mental reserves so you can spend the next 3 days working as hard as you can to wake him up."

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