The Forester Bootcamp (Milo)

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May 10th, 2031
"You all are finally old enough to begin training. This is a serious group to be involved in. If you do not feel as though you are ready for this, you may leave now." Chief Gam stated. As soon as she said this people began to walk away. At the age of 15 we are allowed to begin training to help fend ourselves off from any unwanted guests. Which is pretty much just the government. "Now the rest of you. You will learn how to properly defend yourself as well as those around you. You will be a unit. These will be a few hard weeks but it will all be worth it in the end. If you pass you will be able to leave these borders to help better protect those that are inside of this camp. Which I do hope you all take very seriously. You may be young but you will become our strongest warriors and keep this camp safe."
I hung onto every word. I felt ready for this. I felt like this is what the past five years have led up to. I would be able to protect my family and my camp and that will be the greatest honor. Plus what else is there to do in the world we live in? You are either the predator or the prey. Quite honestly I refuse to be the prey. So that is how I got to where I am right now.
"You all will be broken off into groups. Each of you got a number on the way in, find your designated number in each section. Get acquainted with your group members because they will be the men and women you will be with for the next few weeks. You will have to be able to trust them with your life." As soon as Chief Gam stated this everyone began to go to their designated area. There were ten different groups, while each group roughly had 8-10 people in each. Everyone varied with age because even though training started at age 15 not everyone would start at age 15, unless they were overly ambitious like myself. Most people waited until they were 18 or older.
"So this is group 8?" A girl with red hair asked.
"I am going to assume so." I responded.
"I am Mag." She smiled as she put her hand out for mine.
"Milo." I respond shaking her hand.
"How old are you?"
"You are one of those people?" She asked shocked and I nodded. "I respect you." She smiled at me as the rest of our group came up. My friends Jacob and Rafael somehow got placed into our group ironically. As well as a few other people, a girl that went by Kay, a set of twins which I already forgot their names, and a large beefy looking guy named Ted.
"Everyone follow your leaders and they will bring you to where you will be staying for the next few weeks. I wish you all luck, but only the best will make it through this." Chief Gam stated. Then soon after she stepped off the stage and we were all off to where we would be for the next few weeks.

May 17th, 2031
"Come on." Mag rushed our team as we continued to run the obstacle course. She was honestly the most built for this. She had explained the first week that she had no family and it was just her. So I guess she views it as she has nothing else to lose.
We continued running, even though I felt like my lungs were going to burst. We began to climb the wall. Mag was already at the top with Ted as he grabbed us and swung us over to help speed up the process. To simulate government officers chasing us there were "fake" officers chasing us with guns and shooting at us. Clearly shooting away from us but regardless it still scared people shitless. I stayed at the end to help keep everyone moving forward however I was using it to help get my bearings at this point.
"Come on Milo!" Ted yelled as he and Mag reached for my hands to hoist me over and continue running. We all dropped to the ground and continued running with our group. They had given us paintball guns to use as "guns" incase we had no choice but to use them. I guess they didn't trust us yet for real guns. However I wouldn't trust Jacob with a gun. He would honestly give it up in two seconds for a pretty girl, and we found that out the hard way the second day. Because of him being oblivious when it comes to the female species he caused us laps around the area.
We were almost done when someone came out of nowhere and grabbed the twins.
"Help!" They both screamed. We all turned and began to help the twins. Mag and I went for one while Jacob, Raphael, and Ted got the two that had the other. The "officer" had her with one arm behind her back and a knife to her neck. Mag ran in head on as I grabbed the paintball gun and aimed for his wrist. Shockingly I didn't miss and he dropped the knife while Mag went for the twin as I went to fight off the guard. Somehow I got him with one arm behind his back and pinned him to the ground. Raphael ran over and tied his arms together with wire he had in his bag and we ran towards the group and to where we were supposed to finish.
We waited for the other teams to finish their turns. We were team 8 so we had a few more to go. We were being timed to see what teams had to quickest times yet we were not told when teams started or when they finished. They put different teams in different areas of the camp which was smart on their part because we would have no way to find out all we know is that we are going by a point system. Which we will not officially see until the final week.
After we were finished we were allowed to go back to the sleeping areas before we had to eat dinner. I began to get my things to shower as soon as we got to the rooms because I was drenched in sweat. I heard a knock on the door taking me away from my things to find out who it was. When I opened the door it was one of the twins.
"Thank you for today." She smiled at me.
"No problem." I nodded to her before attempting to shut the door.
"Do you have time?" She asked.
"I am trying to shower." I responded blankly.
"Oh." She paused for a moment. "I will leave you to it. Sit with me at dinner though?"
"We all eat together. We have to eat with our teams." I tell her, confusion evident in my voice.
"Right. Well I guess I will see you at dinner." She said as she walked away and Jacob walked into the room.
"You are so oblivious." He shook his head at me.
"What?" I asked with a furrowed brow.
"Bro she is into you. Obviously." He rolled his eyes.
"She is just being thankful." I shrugged, grabbing my things and walking to the bathroom.
"Of course she is thankful. You were her knight in shining armor today." He said in a girly tone. Making me roll my eyes. He really could be annoying at times.
"Could I shower, sometime today?"
"Go for it go, get fresh for Annabell." He smiled cheekily as I went to the bathroom.

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