Chapter Five

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"You can take a bath...but I don't have anything to wear if I take a shower," I remarked with a quiet laugh, Hoseok was laying on my thigh now. He'd put on his briefs for a moment.

"Just use my clothes. And my boxer underwear. Easy." He resolved my dilemma in seconds. His eyes stayed on my face and he suddenly sat up. "Sandy, stay the night with me. Please?" he pleaded so adorably, making it so difficult to even say a No. 

"But what about the other girls? Will they?" I ask curiously. Not that they wouldn't mind, of course. If this is really possible, we will need some of our things besides clothes.

"I don't know," he laughed, sitting up and kissing me on the lips. "We have not gone out of the room, babe."

I giggle, smiling sheepishly. "Go be brave and see how things are out there," I encourage.

He smirked at me, knowing the reasons behind the statement already. "I put on the shirt and pants because you will get mad if I go out like this."

You know it, baby. I grinned, following with my eyes as he's getting off the bed to fetch his clothes where he'd thrown them and started getting dressed.

He leans over me after he'd put on shirt and sweatpants, his lips stealing a kiss from me and lingering with his tongue before he pulls away. "I would kiss you all day if I could," he sighed, and I smiled widely.

Strolling to the door, he spun around to look towards where I sat. "Pick from where my clothes to be home are over in the far left of closet, and my underwear in the top drawer below those clothes, and sweatpants next to shirts." he mentions with a cute dimpled smile before he unlocks the door and left.

He's really bettering his English, good pronunciation and forming sentences with directions. I'm so proud of my Hobi, bro.

I slip out of his blanket, first grabbing my clothes, along with bra and panties to fold the clothes, hiding the lingerie under my sweatpants and hoodie. 

Then I slide open this humongous closet, in awe when I'm inside. They could fit so much things here, but it's composed of clothing, a few pairs of sandals and cabinets where there would be underwear and don't know what else. I'm about to find out. But first I'll choose the clothing that has a wide variety to pick through. 

I started with the pants first, carefully pushing through Hoseok's casual clothes, and gasp like the ARMY girl I am, when I instantly recognized the sandy beige Puma sweatpants he'd worn with the same colored sweater and a black Kaws beanie. He was posing with his Kaws doll in the same colors practically. The pants have two white lines running down the sides of it, a few inches of distance between the two. On the back of the calf area was a horizontal aquamarine, white and dark blue stripe. He said anything from this section, so I definitely wished to put on the very same pants he did a cute selfie with his Kaws doll.

I remove it from its hanger, and threw it over my shoulder. I recall he'd had a white shirt under the matching zippered sweater, so I choose a simple T-shirt that wouldn't be too long on me because it seemed fitted and not so loose on my body. I place it over the pants I held.

Alright, underwear is the last item to pick. I open the drawer he'd indicated and love how organized he is. It's not like it's ordered by color, but they're nicely folded and you can see each one perfectly placed one after another, so they're visible in their patterns and colors. My eyes widened when I see a certain pair of them that I was sure I've seen them somewhere. I observe closer at its pattern. There are like drawn figures of a boy with a red shirt, flowers above it and other cute things on it. 

Oh, shit! The Chicken Noodle dance he did in these boxers. I almost shriek with glee at seeing them. I feel so privileged to get to wear them.

"Yeah, you are coming with me, my dear," I say out loud and pick them out of the drawer—and before I'd quietly pushed it closed again, I notice my that's where he'd put them. What about the gown?  

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