Chapter Eleven

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Deciding on playing another game---I got the idea when Jin came back with another beer bottle, of doing Spin The Bottle combined with Truth or Dare.

Everyone sat on the floor in a circle after Jin had finished drinking all of the beer and left an empty bottle.

"Yoongi, do the honors." I rolled it to where he sat at my left.

"Okay. Let's see who's my first victim," he chuckles softly, placing the bottle in the middle of us and rapidly twisted to make it spin quickly. It spun for a few seconds before it slowed, the top pointing towards Jungkook. 

He had a nervous gaze and smile, propping himself with his arms.  

"Truth or dare, dear." Yoongi questions, a teasing grin forming.

"Ummm, truth," Kookie answered, looking sheepish.

We all wait expectantly for him to say something. 

"Ehhh, I had a crush on my fourth-grade art teacher..." His cheeks were ablaze.

Me and the others burst into loud giggles from his revelation.

"That's why he draws so well, because he paid very good attention to her," Jimin jokes, nudging him where he sat on Jungkook's right.

"I was expecting something juicier," Jin remarked, grinning broadly.

"The game is just beginning, hyung. Don't worry," I murmur, smirking at him.

Jungkook is next to spin the brown glass bottle, precisely landing on Seokjin.

He chuckles, remaining silent a moment for suspense, I suppose, and mentions his choice. "Dare." 

"Hmmm, ya sure that's a good idea? You know how mischievous our maknae can be." Namjoon says, smiling sardonically.

"Oh, really?" Kookie snickers, a mischievous glint in his dark eyes. "I dare Jin-hyung to do a sexy dance in front of Namjoon-hyung."

High ohhhhhhs rang inside the room, and it was obvious that the leader and eldest were embarrassed. 

"You are an evil boy. I'll get you soon. I am hoping when I spin, it points to you." Seokjin threatened, eyes narrowed. He reluctantly stood up, and adding to this fun, Jimin played a song which sounds like those you'd hear at a strip club. Stop by Jamelia, its tempo and beat perfect for sensual movements.

Namjoon is attempting to cover his face with his hands, but Taehyung yanks them away and laughing. Jin must've enjoyed the dare too much, because he did hell of a good sensual dancing that would make a Jin-stan sweat. Our leader was red-faced, and yelled out for him to stop.

The rest are a fit of noisy laughter, including me. I wiped tears sliding down my face.

A lot played safe in choosing truth, but I felt bold and also due to the alcohol flowing in my system and I picked dare when Taehyung was who spun.

"I dare you to...make Jimin a hickey!" he challenged, and my eyes momentarily enlarged with this dare. Oh, shit. 

"Thought you were jealous with your ChimChim?" I teased, aware it's the liquor that made Tae so brazen.

"This is getting interesting. Go ahead, Hoseok-ssi," Jin encouraged playfully.

I grinned evilly, getting up on my feet and stroll to where Jimin sat. 

"Don't get too horny, Jimin," I whispered in his ear, causing him to giggle.

His skin was fragrant from the cologne he uses, only smelling faintly of beer. 

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