Author's Note

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There were just a few things that I wanted to clarify about this book. 

- This is the sequel to my first story- Four Elements High School- If you haven't read it, you probably should so you know what's going on (or don't and be confused. I don't judge)

-  Only three of the characters in Four Elements High School: Junior year are actually in junior year (Aang, Katara and Ty Lee) I just couldn't think of a better name for the book, so here we are. Suki, Zuko and Mai are freshmen in college, Sokka and Azula are seniors in high school, and Toph is a sophomore in high school. 

- IMPORTANT: this is going to include some characters from the comics, namely Kori (the promise) Kiyi and Ursa (the search) Kei Lo (smoke and shadow) and Ru (imbalance). So if you haven't read the comics (although I highly recommend them) just know that some of these characters come from the comics. 

- Finally, I hope that you enjoy this next installment. I'm so excited to write it and for you to read it!


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