Episode 5

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I smiled again and stared at Jennie. Her cheeks were pinker than they used to be.

Jennie's mom: What is this? Omo. Don't tell me, you're going to be my son in law.
Jennie: Omma!
Jaebeom: Haha. We're just friends.
Jennie's mom: For now, right?
Jennie: Omma! Go to sleep.

Jennie pushed her moms back to her parents room and kissed her mom goodnight. She came back out and talked to me.

Jennie: I'm so-
Jaebeom: Is that what you always say?
Jennie: I guess?
Jaebeom: Haha. You don't need to be sorry. I'm pretty sure we all have the same thing going on with our family.
Jennie: That's true. Haha.
Jaebeom: I think I should be heading home now.
Jennie: I will send you.
Jaebeom: You drive?
Jennie: Of course.
Jaebeom: I don't want you coming back home alone though.

When Jaebeom said that, my heart started to beat faster and I got hot. I don't know why.

Jennie: Oh, how about my driver?
Jaebeom: Oh yeah.
Jennie: Oh, wait, his time is over already. I'm so sorry.
Jaebeom: haha it's okay. I can just take a taxi.
Jennie: No, you shouldn't.
Jaebeom: Why?
Jennie: They take forever to come.
Jaebeom: I can wait.
Jennie: But I don't want you to wait in this cold weather.

Is she worried about me? My heart skipped some of its beats.

Jaebeom: Then, I don't know what we are going to do.
Jennie: Well, since you said you don't want me to come home alone. Then, you could drive my car back home, and come pick me up.
Jaebeom: Pick you up and go to school?
Jennie: Yes, where else?
Jaebeom: On a date.

I don't know why but is he trying to - you know what Jennie. You need to keep calm, cool it down. He may be a two face playboy.

Jennie: Anyways, I will grab my car keys for you.
Jaebeom: Awesome. 👍🏼

I went to grab my car keys and went back to the living room. I didn't see him there. I looked everywhere and couldn't find him. In the end he was outside waiting for me this whole time that I was trying to find him.

Jennie: Why didn't you answer me when I called your name?
Jaebeom: It was too windy out here.
Jennie: You look cold, you should go home now and warm yourself up. Haha.
Jaebeom: Yes, I do. Haha.
Jennie: Oh, here the keys. *Hands him the keys*
Jaebeom: Thank you again.
Jennie: No problem. Hope we become best friends.
Jaebeom: We already are. Anyways, I will come pick you up tomorrow at 7:30 a.m.
Jennie: Okay cool. Bye bye. *Waves*
Jaebeom: Bye. *Waves bye while driving away*

When I got home, everyone was already asleep. I went straight to bed without even taking a shower or changing because I was so tired and cold from the wind blowing on me.

The next day came and I woke up. I forgot to turn on my alarm to wake myself up. It was 8 a.m. already.

Jaebeom: Oh shoot. I'm in trouble now.

I got ready really quick and left without telling my family I left the house. I got to Jennie's place. I stood in front of the door, ready to knock on the door. I knocked on the door and the door opened. I saw Jennie with her arms crossing each other.

Jaebeom: I'm so sorry that I'm late. I forgot to turn on my alarm yesterday night.
Jennie: It's okay, i guess.
???: When girls say that, it is not true my son. It's the opposite.
Jaebeom: And you must be Mr. Kim. *Takes out hand to handshake with Mr. Kim*

I shook Mr. Kim's hand and bow to him.

Mr. Kim: You're handsome. You look nothing like your father. Must be from your mothers genes. Haha!
Jaebeom: Right. Haha!
Jennie: Dad, we have to go now. Jaebeom let's go.

Jennie looked sad, she got all dressed and she probably waited for me outside like how I waited for her outside last night.

Jaebeom: It was nice meeting you Mr. Kim. Hope to see you again.
Mr. Kim: Of course.

I followed Jennie to the car and ran passed her to open the passenger seat for her.

Jennie: I can drive. Give me the keys.

She took out her hand.

Jaebeom: I can drive. You can rest in the car.
Jennie: I already rested enough.
Jaebeom: Please get in the passenger seat first.

She listened to me right away probably because she didn't want to get locked out of the school.

Jaebeom: Look, I'm sorry. I seriously didn't mean to be late. And did you wait for me outside the whole time?
Jennie: Of course not. Why would I wait outside in this cold for that long?

Can't he tell that I waited outside the whole time by seeing my red nose. I waited for him until the last minute and went inside. But, why am I mad? I shouldn't be mad.

Jaebeom: Well, it's good that you didn't wait outside for me.

I turned to look at Jennie but she didn't put her seatbelt on. I reached over and grabbed her seatbelt. When I was going to turn my head back to look at the line to insert the seatbelt, my nose touched Jennie's nose.

Too lateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora