Episode 4

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I was shocked. Me and Jennie's eyes were wide open, and so was her mom's. Her mom got off the bed smiling and then she took a picture of us. Our lips were still touching each other's. Jennie got off of me.

Jennie: I'm so sorry.
Jaebeom: It's fine. It was an accident.
Jennie: I will go get the food ready.
Jaebeom: Okay.

Jennie left the room leaving me with her mom. She was looking at me in the eyes and it looked like she was checking me.

Jennie's mom: You know..... you're not quite bad.
Jaebeom: Wha...what do you mean?
Jennie's mom: Your face, body, and everything. I would say you match my daughter.
Jaebeom: Really? I don't deserve your daughter. She's too perfect for me.
Jennie's mom: Ohhhh don't say that. What are your parents name?
Jaebeom: Ahhh... my mom's name is ****** and my dads name is ********.
Jennie's mom: Hold on... your dad's name is ********?
Jaebeom: Yes, why?
Jennie's mom: Ahhh... my husband and your father were friends when they were younger, but my husband moved away, and ever since they never saw or talk to each other. Until we came back.
Jaebeom: Until you guys came back?
Jennie's mom: Ahhh... your father is the CEO of Lim Company isn't it?
Jaebeom: Yes.
Jennie's mom: My husband is the new CEO of the group that your father's company joined hands with.
Jaebeom: Really?
Jennie's mom: Yes! Isn't that such coincidence?
Jaebeom: It really is.

Before Jennie's mom could say anything back to me, Jennie called us to go down to eat.

Jennie's mom: Anyways, come over often with your family. We can hangout and be friends. Also, please take good care of my daughter in school.
Jaebeom: Will do Mrs, ?
Jennie's mom: Mrs. Kim
Jaebeom: Well, will do Mrs. Kim.
Jennie's mom: I already like you. Come on, let's go join Jennie.
Jaebeom: Alright.

We left the room and entered the kitchen.

Jennie: It's over here.
Jennie's mom: Oh, you already set it on the table? Well, that's the first.
Jennie: What?! This is not the first time mom.
Jennie's mom: I was just kidding. Haha.

I just smiled at Jennie. I looked around and didn't see anybody else.

Jennie: I'm the only kid in this family. Also, my dad is still at work.
Jaebeom: Oh, okay.
Jennie's mom: Come. Come sit down here.

Jennie's mom led me to the chair that was in the middle, like how every household (husbands or sons) sit.

Jaebeom: Is it okay if I sit here?
Jennie's mom: Of course. And YOU!!

She pointed at Jennie. Who was standing next to the sliding door to enter the kitchen.

Jennie's mom: You my darling come sit here.

Jennie's mom led Jennie to sit in front of me but we weren't close to each other, because the table was a rectangular shaped table.

Jennie's mom: Alright, I will leave you two lovelies alone. Bye bye. *waves and toodles away*
Jennie: Wait!

Jennie's mom already disappeared before Jennie said "wait."

Jennie: I'm sorry. She's pretty weird today.
Jaebeom: It's okay. My mom does that too when a girl comes over.
Jennie: Really? My mom does that every time her friends sons come over.
Jaebeom: Oh wow. That's even worse. *Smiles and laughs* Is it your first time living here?
Jennie: Yea, it is. But I get use to places fast.
Jaebeom: How? How do you get use to places so quick?
Jennie: I go around driving with my friends.
Jaebeom: Your parents let? Your parents seems strict though.
Jennie: To be honest, I sneak out sometimes.

We both laughed.

Jaebeom: Damn, you're bad. But how about the guards?
Jennie: They get tire too. They're always in the front instead of the back so I usually go out the back.
Jaebeom: Oh okay, cool.

After we finished eating and talking. We started to clean up the table.

Jaebeom: I can do the dishes. Can you put the food away?
Jennie: Sure.

Jennie's mom came in. The kitchen has two doors on two sides of the room. One door is to go out to the living room and the other door is the dinner table.

Jennie's mom: Oh My Gosh!!

I turned around and looked at her.

Jaebeom: Is everything okay?
Jennie's mom: No! It's not okay!
Jennie: Mom! What are you doing? Is something wrong?

When Jennie came back from the dinner room, I looked at Jennie then at her mom after she spoke to her mom. Her mom looked like she was going to kill Jennie.

Jennie's mom: Yahhh! How can you let Jaebeom wash the dishes? I'm going t-
Jaebeom: I volunteered to wash the dishes.

Jennie's mom looked like she was confused, I looked at Jennie and she looked like the kids that were going to get hit playfully by their parents and just dodge their hits and squinting their eyes. I smiled. When I smiled, Jennie's mom was more confused.

Jaebeom: I admit Jennie's mom. I admit that your daughter is cute.

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