Episode 10

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*Two weeks later*
*Time skip to school*

Dahyun: Jaebeom!!

I came out of my car and heard someone call my name. I turned to the left and saw Dahyun

Dahyun: Jaebeom, come here.

I walked to Dahyun but I didn't see her friends. It was only Dahyun.

Jaebeom: What do you want?
Dahyun: I think I like you.
Jaebeom: What? You know that we can't do that and I already have someone.
Dahyun: Why can't we be together? Is something wrong with me?
Jaebeom: No, nothing is wrong. It's just that I already have someone.
Dahyun: Right, the new girl. But you don't truly love her. It looks like you're with her because of all the girls following you.
Jaebeom: Does it really?
Dahyun: Yes, everybody could tell. I like you Jaebeom. Can we date?
Jaebeom: I think, I still do like you. My heart is always happy whenever I see you. I would like for you and me to date but how about Jennie? What do I say to her?
Dahyun: Just tell her that you've lost feelings.
Jaebeom: Should I? But isn't that kind of rude?
Dahyun: You did it once with Sakura.
Jaebeom: That's true. I will talk to Jennie after school.
Dahyun: Okay.
Jaebeom: Starting today, no more bullying but love.
Dahyun: Yes, I guarantee.

*Time skip to after school*

Jaebeom: Jennie do you want to go eat at a different restaurant?
Jennie: Sure, what place are we going to?
Jaebeom: It's a secret.

*Time skip to restaurant*

Me and Jennie were eating until I started speaking.

Jaebeom: Jennie I have to tell you something.
Jennie: Yea, what is it?
Jaebeom: I think it's time for our relationship status to change.
Jennie: What do you mean? *smiles nervously*
Jaebeom: I'm sorry Jennie but I think I lost feelings for you.
Jennie: Are you kidding me?!! I knew you were like those other people!! *Starts crying* After what we did. You were lying right? You got my body and now you're dumping me! I can't believe I fell for a jerk like you!! *Pours water on Jaebeom*
Jaebeom: Wait, Jennie.

Jennie left and never talked to me again.

*Jennie's POV*

I can't believe I fell for a player like Jaebeom. My dad knew from the start that he couldn't trust Jaebeom. I should've listened to my father. Two days later I saw Jaebeom and this girl holding hands, and kissing each other in the hallway. I felt disgusted and just walked away. I went back home and my mom was cooking.

Jennie: What's that smell?
Mr. Kim: What smell?
Jennie: It smells disgusting.
Mrs. Kim: it's your favorite food. Go eat.

We walked to the kitchen but when I went in there, all of a sudden I felt like puking. I covered my mouth and went to the bathroom to puke.

Mrs. Kim: Don't tell me. Don't tell me she's pregnant?
Mr. Kim: What?! Pregnant?!
Mrs. Kim: Were you ever on your period this couple of weeks?
Jennie: No, I wasn't. I think it skipped.
Mrs. Kim: You ungrateful child! Don't you understand the word having sex after marriage!! Not having sex before marriage!!
Mr. Kim: Honey chill!! I am mad too. Why didn't you tell us?!
Jennie: I don't know what you guys are talking about? I'm not pregna-.......
Mr. Kim: What?!
Jennie: I'm pregnant?

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