Episode 7

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Jennie pulled the girl away from me.

Random girl 1: Ughh! You are seriously in the way!
Jennie: You're the one in the way. Didn't you hear that me and Jaebeom are dating?
Random girl 1: Yes, I know.
Jennie: Then leave because he's taken.
Random girl 1: You! *Raises hand about to slap Jennie*

I saw the girl about to slap Jennie and I quickly grabbed her on her wrist.

Jaebeom: If you ever lay your hand on her, you will never see me again.

Jaebeom looked scary when he said that but he was good looking at the same time. I still don't know if he is a playboy or not. But all I know is I have fallen in love with him.

Random girl 1: Fine!!! I will just talk to Jin now! Ughh! I hate you!!

The random girl stormed away and I looked back at Jennie.

Jaebeom: You okay?
Jennie: Yea I'm fine.
Jaebeom: Where were you? I was going to come pick you up in your last class but I forgot to ask you what your last class was.
Jennie: It's fine. I just went to my morning classes to tell them that something came up and I couldn't attend the class.
Jaebeom: Nice. *Smiles* Ishould have done that too but too late.
Jennie: We still have time.
Jaebeom: It's okay. Do you want to go to the bar now?
Jennie: I rather go at night because it's way more fun at night time.
Jaebeom: Okay.

I opened the door for Jennie.

Jaebeom: Get in.
Jennie: Thank you.
Jaebeom: No problem.

I dropped Jennie off at her house and went home to change. I texted her to get ready at six because I'm going to pick her up at 6:30 p.m.

Hana: Hi. How was your day?
Jaebeom: Fine. Why? You never asked me before?
Hana: Well, probably because of this. *Shows phone*

I looked at what Hana was showing me. She showed me a picture of me and Jennie when we were at the school. The time when I opened the door for Jennie.

Jaebeom: Where did you get that?
Hana: Of course on social media. It's all over the place.
Jaebeom: Really?
Hana: Of course. I don't even know how the girls at your school likes you. Like you are soooo not it.
Jaebeom: Yahh!! What do you mean? I admit. I am kinda handsome and cute tho.
Hana: Ewww disgusting, get away from me.
Jaebeom: Oh no!
Hana: What?
Jaebeom: What if mom and dad finds out?
Hana: Then they'll be mad because you chose someone that they didn't choose for you.
Jaebeom: Oh no!! I can't let that happen.
Hana: So you really like her?
Jaebeom: Of course. Why would I date her if I don't like her.
Hana: Then how about Dahyun-Unnie?

When heard I her name again, I realized that I forgot about her.

Jaebeom: What about Dahyun?
Hana: You don't like Dahyun-Unnie?
Jaebeom: Of course not. We don't talk anymore and we used to be friends.
Hana: That doesn't mean that you can't date her.
Jaebeom: Well, it doesn't matter because I don't like her like that, and I have a girlfriend now.
Hana: Fine. Just try to convince our parents to like your girlfriend then.
Jaebeom: I will.

I looked at the clock and it was right on time for me to go pick up Jennie.

Jaebeom: I will be back. You better stay home and not go out!

I said to Hana as I was running out the door to my car.

Hana: I know and I won't! I'm not like you!

Hana yelled to me because I was far away already.

*Time skip to Jennie's house*

I called Jennie and she didn't pick up. So, I decided to go knock on the door. I knocked on the door and her father was there. Standing in front of me.

Jaebeom: Hello. It's nice to meet you again.

I said as I took my hand out for a handshake. He didn't shake my hand but came out of the door. I was confused.

Mr. Kim: Look! If you're going to take my daughter to the club, making her drunk, and taking advantage of her! I'm going to kill you! You hear that!
Jaebeom: Mr. Kim I wouldn't do that and it wasn't my intention. I want to spend time with your daughter because I feel like she's the one for me, and she's my first girlfriend so I don't really know where to go but go to my fathers bar. I'm really sorry if I made you think this way because of my actions.
Mr. Kim: Good! That's what I want to hear. If you EVER do something to my daughter. You know for sure that I won't leave you alone. Jaebeom: You got it sir. Mr. Kim: Well then i guess you can take my daughter out.
Jaebeom: Thank you sir. May i go get your daughter inside the house?
Mr. Kim: Of course but she's a bit mad at me right now, because of what i said about you. I apologized for what i said about you.
Jaebeom: It's fine. I get it. If i had a daughter i would be acting like this too.
Mr. Kim: Alright, you may go in.

I went inside the house and saw no one in the living room and so i went to the kitchen to see if Jennie was there, but she wasn't there. I went to the other living room and saw Mrs. Kim there sitting on the massaging chair.

Jaebeom: Hello Mrs. Kim.
Mrs. Kim: oh well hello Jaebeom.

She got up and came to hug me.

Mrs. Kim: I told my husband that you weren't that kind of boy but he still got mad. I am sorry behalf of my husband.
Jaebeom: It's okay, i understand why he acted like that. He was just overprotective of his only child/daughter.
Mrs. Kim: You are so nice Jaebeom. I would like to have a son like you but i would love to you have you as my son-in-law more.
Jaebeom: Thank you Mrs. Kim.
Mrs. Kim: Mhmm.
Jaebeom: Do you know where Jennie is?
Mrs. Kim: She's upstairs in her room. Jaebeom: May i go up there and get her.
Mrs. Kim: Of course. She's probably waiting for you.
Jaebeom: Okay Mrs. Kim. I will be back to say goodbye.
Mrs. Kim: alright.

I left Mrs. Kim in the living room and walked upstairs to go to Jennie. I walked up to her room and knocked on her door.

Jaebeom: Jennie, it's me. Can you open the door for me?

I heard her small footsteps walking towards me. The next thing i knew was she opened the door for me, she grabbed my collar, and pulled me towards her, which made me stumbled and fell on top of her. We made eye contact with each other. When i stared at her, i saw tears in her eyes.

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