October 16th

957 31 163

Title: The Bad Girl Who Lives Next Door
Prompt: "My name isn't even Jimmy!"
A/N: Is it bad that I had a sudden urge to write a trashy teen romance jaya AU? I am stepping out of my comfort zone and trying first person POV. Check out these covers:

 Check out these covers:

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One of the many weird things about living in Ninjago is that there is always a fight going on somewhere.  Usually a pointless fist fight, a dumb disagreement, or alpha bros butting heads. Shows of force are an everyday occurrence. Ninjago is full of interesting characters, a handful of them not human.

There's the snake people (Serpentine), the skull people (Skulkin), ogres, gnomes, ghosts, dragons, giant spiders, and other weird creatures. Then there's the mafias, pirates, cartels, and gangs, whose members will smash your face in for looking at them the wrong way. Everyone has got a bad attitude and a bone to pick.

It gets pretty tribal in Ninjago.

So that's why I wasn't surprised when I got awoken from my impromptu afternoon nap by the sounds of a fight. Normal background noise, even in the sleepy suburbs.

"Don't touch me!"

In my half asleep state, I vaguely registered the voice belonging to my neighbor, the girl next door.  Correction: the bad girl who lives next door.

Nya Smith, a raven haired beauty with a fiery temper.  Most of the time she is liquid cool, but push her buttons - she has many to push - and she will roast you where you stand.  Like a firecracker, waiting for its fuse to be lit.  

She moved in next door when I was ten and she was nine.  Her brother, Kai, was with her, two years older than her.  This was their fifth foster home.  I don't know much about foster care in Ninjago, but I do know the system is broken and trying to get out of it is nearly impossible, not until you turn 18.  Then the military or pimps come knocking, looking to scoop up the broken pieces.

We used to play together all the time when we were small.  Then Jr. High happened and my parents didn't like the new friends she was making, telling me to keep my distance.  Nya morphed into a knockout with an attitude to match.

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