Chapter 9

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We got in his black matte G- wagon and I gave him the address. A few minutes after we left I started talking "So please don't be mad but I lied about the story I told you and dad. I'm going to tell dad the truth later but you get to hear it now. I was there longer than I told you guys, it turned out be be a little under a year. Within that time of being raped and used I became pregnant with triplets. When I was seven months pregnant the American mafia came and rescued me. I knew I couldn't take care of them by meld self at such a young age and while staying with Mikie I met his brother Martin who wanted kids and was gay. I took it as a perfect time to suggest him adopting my kids and I'll body it them whenever. They know I'm their mom and to them he's their uncle." I could tell he was still trying to take everything in. In almost a whisper he says "so I'm an uncle." I just nodded.

We sat in silence for the rest of the ride. I was shocked by how well he took the news.

————— Time skip to Martin's house ————

When we arrived at Martin's house I could feel something was wrong. Trying not to let Alessandro notice I tried my best to seem normal. Going up to the door I could hear my kids screaming and crying. I didn't bother to knock I heard my own key and ran it. The house was a mess everything was everywhere.

I ran to their room and I was not ready for what I saw. Laying on the floor of their room was Martin with a bullet hole through is head and heart. Once I saw him I ran to my kids to see if they were alright. They seemed fine besides being hungry.

Grabbing the three of them I went to the living and called for Alessandro. He came running inside with his gun drawn. I proceeded to yell "Get that damn gun out of the sight of my kids before I do it for you" By saying that he immediately put it away. Before he could ask anything I said "Call someone to deal with a body in the kid's room. They're adoptive uncle is dead. That means I get custody of the kids. I need to pack their stuff and get a car which their car seats and stuff can fit in." When Im done saying this he starts making calls and tells me to feed the kids and he can start packing their stuff so I don't have to see a body who was a friend. I never knew Alessandro had this side. While I was feeding the kids Alessandro said " I didn't call or tell any of our brothers and explain anything. When we get home I'm going to watch the kids while you tell them what you told me in the car. The men coming here know not to mention anything to anyone besides you and I. And what are the kid's names?" I had to laugh at that question. When I was done laughing I answered "The girl is named Sarah Shantel Deluca and the boy I'm holding is Carter Cameron Deluca and finally the other boy is Clayton Alessandro Deluca." Alessandro's face turned into pure joy when he heard their names, especially when he heard Clayton's middle name.

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