Chapter 8

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Logan woke at 7 to make food for the others, Logan felt that he needed to do something to show his appreciation to the dark sides for taking him in. Logan made some eggs and bacon, he learned some things from watching Patton cook. As Logan was cooking the last of the bacon he felt arms wrap around his waist, Logan had gotten used to Janus hugging him so he just relaxed into hug.

"Hello darling," Janus elegant voice coos to Logan.

"Greetings Janus," Logan replied. Janus put his head on Logan's shoulder, and watched as Logan worked.

"Thank you for making breakfast dear," Janus thanked Logan. Logan smiled at Janus he then placed the last piece as bacon onto a plate along with the eggs.

"So," Logan asked," how do you plan on waking Remus?"

"I'll go get him," Janus sighed," can you make me some coffee?"

"Of course," Logan told Janus. As Janus ventured to Remus room to wake the creative twin, Logan made coffee for him and Janus. Remus came running down the hall into the dinning room which was right between the kitchen and common room. Remus sat down and grabbed the food Logan had made as a tired looking Janus followed at a slower pace. Logan handed Janus the coffee he had made and join Remus at the dinning room table. The three of them talked and laughed as they ate, Logan learned some interesting things about the other two. Things like how Remus also could go into the imagination land like Roman, and that Remus wasn't as discussing as Logan had previously thought. Remus did know a lot of disturbing information but overall was a good person. Logan also learned things about Janus, like how Janus had fangs with a verity of different venoms and he also had the unique ability to make people tell the truth. Janus also had some other snake like feathers to him, though Logan didn't get to learn about all of them.

They all worked together to clean but soon Remus made another mess because he could control his impose to not throw soap at Janus. Eventually Remus was shooed away so that Janus and Logan could clean up the soap now all over the kitchen. As they cleaned Janus put on some music, soon Logan was swaying to the beat. Janus then spun the logical side and then swooped Logan onto a dance. Logan's arm was across Janus shoulders, as Janus hand rested comfortably against Logan's lower back. They held hands as they swayed to the beat, Logan soon rested his head into Janus shoulder. They dance and swayed, making the moment last as long as they could, once the song ended Janus pulled away from Logan and then when down one knee.

"Logan would you like to be my boyfriend?" Janus asked the logical side. Logan smiled as the butterflies returned, he felt so much love for the half snake man.

"Yes I would love to be your boyfriend," Logan announced to Janus. Janus stood up and hugged Logan as happiness over powered the two more logical traits. All seemed to be going his way until the pull of being summoned made Logan move away from Janus.

"Thomas is trying to summon me," Logan informed Janus as a slight panic took hold of the logical side.

"It's ok," Janus comforted the logical side," call if you need any help." Logan nodded and then let himself be taken to where Thomas was waiting. Logan soon arrived in Thomas' apartment, where Thomas and the other light sides were waiting for the logical side.

"Logan we have been worried sick," Patton informed Logan.

"You have no need to be," Logan informed the others in a monotoned voice," I left a note for you all informing you where I went."

"We were worried a dark side kidnapped you and made you write the letter," Roman told Logan.

"I didn't mean to cause you guys any stress," Logan told the others.

"Well you did!" Roman shouted at Logan.

"Hey Roman," Thomas warned," we are here to check on Logan, not shout at him."

"Sorry Thomas," Roman quickly apologized.

"It's ok Ro," Virgil comforted the creative side," Logan we just wanted to know why you left."

"I needed time away from everyone," Logan told the others.

"But we have done nothing wrong," Patton told Logan.

"Patton I never said you guys did anything wrong," Logan informed them.

"Then why did you leave?" Patton asked as a small sob escaped him.

"Patton I-," Logan started but Patton started full on crying.

"Great," Roman sighed with a slight growl," the robot got Patton crying." Logan was hurt by what Roman had called him, he was always called emotionless, or robot, or even four eyes and every single time the words hurt.

"I need to leave," Logan told the others quietly. Logan sank out back to the dark sides, as soon as he saw the dark sides common room Logan started crying.

"Logan what happened," Janus asked the distressed Logan.

"I made Patton cry... and then Roman called me a robot," Logan said between sobs as he tried to calm himself down.

"Shush it's ok," Janus calmed the crying Logan. Janus pulled Logan onto his lap as he sat on the couch, Janus rubbed circles into Logan's back to calm him down. Remus had heard the crying and had come into the common room to see Janus holding and comforting the logical side.

"They think you guys kidnapped me," Logan told Janus, unaware of Remus being present in the room. Remus stayed close to the hallway, he didn't want to intrude upon the couple.

"Dear," Janus cooed," we will get though this, I promise that I love you no matter what. You are amazing and so full of kindness, the others don't know what they are missing out on." Janus placed a gentle kiss onto the temple of Logan's head, Logan sighed into Janus touch.

"Feeling better?" Janus asked Logan. Logan merely nodded and leaned back into Janus chest.

"Shall we have lunch?" Janus asked Logan.

"Lunch!" Remus exciting shouts. Logan laughed at Remus outburst, he felt better being around the dark sides.

"Let's make some lunch," Logan told the two. They decided upon making sandwiches and talking about random things. After lunch, Remus somehow convince Logan to watch tv instead of going into Janus room to read. They chose a murder mystery, halfway through the movie Logan ended up cuddling into Janus and whispering about who the murder could be, which made Janus chucle every so often. As the movie ended they all talked about how the movie could be improved, Remus mostly wanted it to be more gory. Then a voice made all of them freeze.

"Logan you need to come back," Patton told the logical side," you don't belong with these dark sides, your a light side! You're not evil!" Logan was shocked to see Patton, Remus immediately shoot up and glared at Patton.

"Who are you calling evil?" Remus growled, "you guys made Logan feel like shit!" Logan soon got over his shock and stood up to face Patton with Janus at his side.

"Patton, I'm not coming back," Logan informed the emotional side.

"So you would rather be with these heathens than your own family?" Patton questioned Logan.

"Janus and Remus have been more like family to me than you or Roman ever have been!" Logan told Patton. Patton just froze and then tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Fine, stay here!" Patton screamed," it's not like you were ever much help to Thomas!" Then Patton sank out and left Logan feeling empty again. Logan turned and hugged Janus, he cried for the second of that day

- Sorry about not publishing anything in like a week. School has been taking up much more of my time. I hope you like the new chapter because it's only going to get more exciting from here-

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