Chapter 14

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Convincing Roman was a lot harder than they thought. First Patton tired to convince Roman with no success, Roman didn't talk to Patton for nearly a week after their conversation. Patton was worried and was too distraught to try again so a mildly pissed off Virgil gave it a try. Virgil got punched for his troubles which prompted Remus to give it a try. That discussion ended in the twins battling in the land of imagination. Between the three of them trying, over a month had passed. Janus was going to give it a go to convince Roman but Lucius stoped his boyfriend.

"It's my turn," Lucius said as he placed a gentle kiss on his boyfriend's head," I think some logic is needed in this situation." Lucius than sank into the light sides mind space, Lucius could smell dinner cooking and heard voices from the kitchen. Lucius walked into see Patton cooking while Roman strokes the smaller man's sides.

"Roman," Patton said while desperately trying not to moan," I'm cooking."

"I know, mi amor," Roman seductively replied. Lucius coughed to get their attention, Roman looked startled at first but then his expression when cold.

"I need to borrow Roman for a bit," Lucius told Patton.

"He is all yours since our dinner is going to take a take another 30 minutes or so," Patton said. Roman looked unhappy and was about to object but was grabbed by Lucius. Lucius half dragged Roman towards his room, upon entering Roman's room Lucius threw the dramatic side onto his bed.

"Now your going to listen and not talk ok," Lucius said with a deep growl. Roman nodded his head yes and looked startled.

"Now let's get one thing clear, we will be joining the two sides of the mindscape with or without your help," Lucius told Roman," here are your two options. One, I could easily take over your mind and body in order to bring the two separate sides together. Or you can do it willing for you boyfriend." Lucius sighs, and looks at Roman.

"Patton just wants everyone to be together and having us apart is making his depressed. Have you realized that? Your boyfriend his unhappy because his "family" is broken up and you won't help Patton fix it." Roman looked concerned and then sad, he looked down in defeat.

"Have I really become the villain," Roman whispered out. Lucius looked at the creative twin and felt a small amount of sympathy.

"Not yet but if you keep following this path then, yes," Lucius told Roman honestly.

"How do I fix this," Roman asked his fists clenching and unclenching with the feeling of helplessness.

"You can start fixing your mistake, by bringing the two sides together like Patton wants. We all want to live together in peace, I know I haven't been the nicest since becoming a dark side but it's hard to be nice when you won't try either," Lucius told Roman. Roman had started crying a little, Roman felt something heavy on his chest.

"I just want to say I'm sorry Control. I also except your apology and I promise to be kinder as well," Roman tells Lucius.

"It's ok Roman," Lucius told the creative twin," you know my change into the dark sides has made me think a lot about the past, I can't forget the names you have called me and the crude comments you have made but I can promise you that I have forgiven you." Roman seemed to cheer up at hearing this news, Roman stood up and looked back at his door.

"I'm going to talk with Patton and together we will help bring both sides together again." Roman promised Lucius.

"I look forward to it Roman," Lucius said and then he sank back to the dark sides. When Lucius entered the dark sides common room he was immediately hugged by Janus.

"God I was so worried," Janus hissed out," don't scare me like that again." Lucius smiled at his boyfriend's concern, usually Lucius was the more protective type.

"Well what happened?" Virgil asked.

"He agreed to help," Lucius told them.

"Just like that?!" Remus asked.

"Its took some convincing and I gave him a reality check. We talked and worked out our differences," Lucius told them all.

"Well, you did great darling," Janus said as he pulled Lucius in for a kiss.

"Looks like things will get better," Virgil said while hugging is boyfriend, which Remus took it as a chance lick Virgil's neck.

"The fuck Remus!" Virgil exclaimed. All the dark sides laughed and the mood once again was lightened as they all sat down to watch a movie or two. It ended up being five moves, turns out Remus did convince Lucius to join late night movie watching. 

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