Chapter 10

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Logan woke with a bit of a headache, he was also a bit sore. Logan realized he was alone in Janus bedroom, he sat up but realized it would be better to wait for assistance before standing.

"Janus?" Logan called for his boyfriend. Janus heard his name and immediately ran to his room with a Remus walking slowly in tow.

"You ok darling?" Janus asked when he entered his room.

"I'm good, I think," Logan told his boyfriend which made Janus visibly relax.

"Damn teach," Remus told the logical side," the change really made you look hot." Janus slapped his friend hard on the shoulder as a deep red blush dusted Janus cheeks.

"Not appropriate Remus," Janus hissed. Remus shrugged his shoulders and walked back to the common room.

"Do I really look hot?" Logan asked confused.

"Absolutely," Janus told his boyfriend which made Logan blush like crazy.

"Can you help me up?" Logan asked Janus. Janus smiled and walked over to help the weakened Logan. He then moved Logan over the the floor length mirror the half snake kept in his room. When Logan looked at himself in the mirror he gasped loudly, he had two wolf ears which were black except for the flame orange tips. Logan also had a tail which also was black except for the tip which was the a fame orange as his ears. Logan's eyes were no longer Thomas regular brown, instead Logan's eyes were a orange amber color. Logan also noticed that he no longer needed his glasses as he stood I front of the mirror.

"Well I definitely changed," Logan whispered.

"You look gorgeous my dear," Janus reassured his boyfriend. Logan smiled and kissed his boyfriend passionately.

"I'm going to need a new name," Logan told Janus.

"Ok," Janus replies," do you have a name ready or are you going to need time to think?"

"No," Logan answered," I know what my name will be, my new name will be..... Lucius but the name I will tell the others is Control."

"Why Control?" Janus asked curiously.

"Because for once in my life," Lucius told his boyfriend a hardened expression on his face," I will be the one who is in control." Janus smiled at Lucius, Janus loved his boyfriend and this new found confidence.

"Well then darling~," Janus said mischievously," we'll go say hello to the light sides when you reach full strength."

"I would like that very much," Lucius relied to his boyfriend. Janus then kissed Lucius and moved them both back to his bed so that Lucius could reach his full strength. The next day Lucius felt strong enough to stand and move around the dark sides "house". Remus felt comfortable enough to show off his tentacles which Lucius found quite interesting. The third day everything in the dark mindspace was calm and orderly, which made Lucius pleased and Janus happy. Lucius finally felt at home with his boyfriend and new found friend. They watched movies and talked about the special abilities each member possessed. After a good nights sleep, in which Lucius was spooned by his slightly taller boyfriend. The two of them decided that the next day Lucius would meet the light sides and Thomas. Luckily for them, Thomas planed on meeting with everyone to see why he was feeling so different for the past three days.

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