part 1

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Day- Monday: 4/13
Time- 11: 28 pm

"wait let me explain"
"No I never want to see you again Jennie!"
"No! please I'm sorry"
"Just lose my number"

Hello my name is Kim Taehyung. The girl that's currently crying is now my ex.
You might be wondering what happen?
Well, I finally told her that I know about her and her"boy best friend" and how they are secretly going out.

I Honestly didn't care anymore, I had a feeling something was going on, but I just kept being naive. I knew I should have left sooner but I didn't, I still had hope for some reason. 

It's ridiculous to think that nothing was going on with her boy best friend. They've always been so close. It's that I've gave up so many of my dreams, just so I can be with her.

"Taehyung! you can't leave me her"
"oh sweetie, yes I can"
"No! take me home"

As I reach for my sunglasses and start the engine, I gave her a final look.

"Call your boy best friend, I bet he will pick you up and if not the bus stop is right behind"

That's all I hear as I drive off. As I look to my rear view mirror, all I see is her crying and on the phone. I know it seems bad but the bus passes every 10 minutes and that bus leaves  her straight home. If her, probably soon boyfriend, doesn't pick up, she can take the bus home.

I just need to take a shower when I get home to think about everything clearly. All I know is that...

Now I am free.

(Hey it's been a while but trust me I got more ideas and hopefully I can show you all soon
Stay safe out there since it's crazy out there and stay positive no matter what)

Ashley out❤
Finished: 6/6/2020
Published: 10/19/2020

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