Part 8

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Jin pov
Day- Thursday: 4/16
Time: 11 am

"Joonie, are you leaving now?"

"Yea he's almost here and I bet he's tired of being on that plane"

"True, be careful and come back home safely"

"I will" he said giving me a kiss and leaving the apartment.

I walked around and cleaned a bit to distract myself and cooked a few foods for all of us to enjoy later. I would call Jimin but I don't think he would be to happy about the news of Taehyung coming back home.

●Flashback to 3 years ago●

"I hate him! I HATE HIM!" Jimin cried out.

"Why you've always hanged out with him, did you guys get into an argument" I asked.

"Ever since he's meet that- I HATE HER. I HATE BOTH OF THEM" he said while throwing out a few pictures.

"He promised me hyung" he fell on his knees and cried more.

All I could do was hugging him tight till he fell asleep. I had so many questions...but I can't ask him now. I'll wait till he's of now I will just take him to his room so he can sleep.

●End of Flashback●

After 2 weeks that he left, Jimin changed and moved in with Yoongi....I still questioned Taehyung choice to this day...I knew that he loved Jimin more then anything so...why date Jennie?

×ring× ×ring× ×ring×

I was startled but I calm down a bit since it was just Jimin.


"Hyung do you need anything for the party, I'm here with Yoongi at the supermarket buying food"

"Not really, I already bought tea bags"


"I don't-"

"Say no more Hyung I will buy the snacks"

"Okay Jiminie" 


It's boring to be left alone, I don't know how I use to live without Namjoon. He's clumsy but still adorable and brings happiness to my life.
I still remember the day we meet.

●Flashback to 11 years ago●

"Ugh Jimin where can you be"

"Be careful!" Someone said while dragging me towards them.

I was so focused on my phone I didn't notice that I was about to get run over by someone in their bike.

"Um..thanks" I noticed him and I couldn't believe it...he's kinda cute.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't want to see someone beautiful get hurt" he said while blushing.

I couldn't help but giggle, he's adorable.

"My name is Jin"

"Namjoon" He said while shaking my hand.

●End of Flashback●

He ended up helping me find Jimin and he would always try to get my attention. He's was always nervous and would buy me so much food. The day he asked me out, was the best day of my life. Since then we really never been separate. So just being here left alone is lonely.

After thinking for a bit, I called Yoongi to see if they would like to come over for a bit.

Surprisingly he said yes, so I rushed to get the living room ready and made some tea.

After an hour of waiting I heard a knock on the door. I got up to open it and saw both of them.

"Hyung!" Jimin says while hugging me.

"Hey guys, please come in"

They walked in and we all went to the living room.

"Hyung I got your favorite snacks and a few others, I hope you like them" Jimin said while placing them in the kitchen.

"I really like your place hyung" Yoongi said sheepishly.

"Aw thank you Yoongi, are you guys hungry? I made food and tea" I said while getting some cups ready.

"Yea I could go for some tea" Yoongi said while walking to dinner room.

"I'm kinda hungry" Jimin said while sitting next to Yoongi.

"Okay, I'll be out in a bit" I told them while getting the food ready. 

Having guest helps me with my anxiety. I rather have someone here then being left alone. I hope Joonie is okay.

Namjoon pov:

I honestly thought this would be quick but today traffic was bad all due to some people being slow or just on their phone.

I thought, I would survive a few hours without Jin but...I was wrong. I'm so use to having him around, even on road trips, that it's boring and lonely in the car.

Hopefully the car ride back home won't be so bad, I mean I won't be lonely but I can't help but worry about Jin. I bet he invited Jimin to the house.

I just have to stay positive like Jin, I'm going to see an old friend again!

To be continued
Ahhhh, okay I can't spoil >-< but I may or may not make this into 2 books
I still don't know >×<

But I hope you are enjoying this T-T
I really work hard

Finished: 6/12/2020
Yes I know, that day must have been so boring I just had to write 😝

"You love them, then don't hurt them, you have the greatest power over them without even knowing it"
-my thoughts

Lots of love, Ash🖖

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