Part 5

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Jimin pov
Day- Wednesday: 4/15
Time- 8 am

"Good morning baby, it's time to wake up"

"Noo...five more minutes, it's still early"

"I have to go to work sweetie"

"Noooo, don't go" I was about to tear up, I didn't want Yoongi to leave.

"I promise to bring your favorite snacks when I come back home" he says as gives me a peck on the lips and starts to get ready.

"You promise"

"Of course"

I smiled and prepared his coffee. It's the least I can do for him, since I didn't get a job after high school.

After a few minutes, he was ready and heading towards the door after grabbing his coffee.

"Have a great day Yoongi"

"I'll be back soon sweetie"

I closed the door and rushed to get ready as well. I needed to go to Jin hyung house to give him all his gifts and apologize but once I was thinking of hyung I got a call from him on the house phone.


"Come quick, I need your help and we still need to...never mind just come"

"Alright, I'm on my way "

"Oh wait Namjoon order a taxi for you, it's  downstairs now"

"Oh okay!, I'm going"

And just like that I rushed and grabbed my keys and locked the door.

When I arrived at the lobby I saw a car at the front of the entrance.

"Mr. Park?"


"I'll be taking back to their home"


I got on and he started driving off. I was going to bring my phone but...I remember what happened last night. Today is different though, I don't have to think about him...he's with...No I have to...oh great I forgot Jin's  gift. Lucky the gift I made him is with me already.

After awhile, we got to their apartment.

"How much will that be"

"No it's okay, they already payed for your ride"

"Oh okay, Thank you"

I rushed out the car and ran up the stairs. I was a little worried since it sound like Jin was a little stressed but once I got to their floor I saw Namjoon sitting outside on the door.

"Umm hyung, why are you outside?"

"I can't be inside while he cleans the kitchen"

I started to laugh, I didn't think he would still do this but he does.

"Not funny Jiminie, I wanted to help as well but I'll end up breaking something if I do"

"It's okay Namjoon, I'll wait here with you"


"Oh, you think hyung will like this?"

I showed him a phone case I made, it was pink with a flower design.


"I also got him snacks but I forgot them at-"

"I heard snacks!" Jin said as he opened the door.

"Oh, sorry hyung I forgot them" I said while laughing a bit.

"It's fine, thank god you're here. I need your opinion on a room"

He dragged me in and took me to a room that use to be empty but now looked for someone to stay in.

"Is it good enough?"

"It's great but who's staying here?"

"Um..not important but I'm glad that it's good"

"Jin, we're out of tea bags!" Namjoon yelled from the kitchen.

"Go buy some more then!" Jin said while getting a few pillows and blankets from the closet.

"Are you having guest hyung?"

"You can say that"

"Wow, can I go to my old room?"

"Yea go ahead, I'm going to continue fixing up the place"

"Oh wait, I made you something"

I took out the phone case I made him and showed it to him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it for your party but I really wanted to make you something"

"Awww thank you Jiminie" Jin said while giving me a hug.

He immediately put it on his phone and started to go back to cleaning. I went to my old room just to see what I left behind.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing...this was my room...why...

I immediately closed it and sat at the couch.

Why...why did it have to be him?

I don'

I don't want to remember him.

To be continued -3-
Okay since I wrote these chapters(till part 14) a while back, I'm just adding the date I finished them for now

"If you truly love that person you wouldn't judge them for mistakes they did in the past"
-my thoughts

Finished: 6/12/2020
Lots of love, Ash <3

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