Part 10

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Jin pov
Day- Thursday, 4/16
Time- 4:50 pm

"I wonder what I can find on Hulu this time"

I spent some of the time watching shows on Netflix that I've been wanting to watch but now I don't know what else to watch.

I cleaned all the rooms and even Jimin old room. His room kept me pretty occupied, it was really messy and dusty.

The last time I texted Namjoon, he told me he was almost home and that Taehyung would be driving for the rest of drive back home.

I just hope they're both okay.

Taehyung pov

I looked at the phone and it said that there's 10 minutes left but I didn't know where to go now. I tried to look at the signs but I didn't understand a few of them. I didn't want to wake up Namjoon, he seemed really tired.
I really tried till I finally decided to ask Namjoom for directions. 

"Hey hyung...ummm I'm lost"


He slowly woke up and looked around.

"Oh!! We can be home by 5 minutes let me drive" he said with excitement.
We switched places and he drove just a little fast. I knew he was tired but he really looked excited just to be back home.

I looked around as he was driving, just to see how to come back to their home. Everything looked different since the last time I was here. I really couldn't believe it. This all felt like a dream. I'm happy to back home.

"We're here! Let's go up now" he said while running out to get my luggage.

I rushed out as well so he could go see Jin. We took the elevator up and I had to memorize his floor just so I don't get lost.

"Should I knock or you"

"Let's do a little prank first, just hide behind me for a bit"

He knocked on the door and I just hid so Jin wouldn't see me.

I saw as both of them hugged for a while and it made me happy. They've always been so cute together.

"Where Taehyung?"

"Oh Um...he wasn't alone"

"Oh, did he come here with his girlfriend?"

"EX CHEATING GIRLFRIEND!" I said while popping out to front of the doorway.

"Taehyung!" He rush over to me and hugged me tight.

"I missed all of you guys" I said while hugging him back.

"You have to tell me everything!"

"Of course"

We all walked in and I was kinda surprised by their apartment. It looked better then the one that I use to have.

"Are you guys hungry, the food is all ready"

"Yes!" We both said while putting the luggage down.

"Go wash your hands then, I'll have the plates ready"

I followed Namjoon to the bathroom and washed up. I finally decided to check my Instagram since I didn't keep the notifications on for it and saw so many messages from Jennie.

All her texts were sorry and asking where I went. I'm not surprised but her last text was

"Fine, I'll just go date Tommy then since you want to keep acting like this"

I really wanted to text her something but I'll just play her game so I just posted on my story the view from the apartment window and add the location just to show her that I'm gone for sure.

"You okay taehyung?" Namjoon asked.

"Oh yea, just needed to check something"

I went to the dinner table and sat across Jin and looked at the food. It felt werid, I was so use to eating takeout food, this looked really good.

"I hope you like it Taehyung" Jin said while starting to eat.

I took my first bite was really good.

"MMMM...I can't remember the last time I ate something this good" I said while stuffing myself with food.

"I'm glad you like it" Jin said while eating more.

This was the first time I was enjoying a a family. I prefer this then going back to Jennie.

To be continued

Okay yea werid way to end it but I'm still improving my stories ;-;

Tell what you guys think tho, I want to know

Finished: 6/13/2020
Ikr new day finally XD

"si realmente no me quieres, entonces vete, yo no soy tú juego"
"If you really don't love me then leave, I'm not your game"
-my thoughts

Lots of love, Ash😋

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