Chapter 21

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The next thing I know I wake up in this room, it looks familiar, and that's when it hit me, this is the room I basically lived in when I was in the lab.

the only home I knew for so long, but this was nothing close to a home. 

just then the door opened, I tried to move my arms but they were tied to a piece of metal sticking out of the wall. I tugged and tugged but I couldn't get free. that's when I heard the voice I hoped I'd never hear again...

"If I was you I'd just stop trying" he had a smirk on his ugly face when I looked at him. he was happy to finally have me pinned, finally he'd get his way.

"I won't ever give up," I said glaring at him, I don't know where all this confidence was coming from but I didn't mind

"Ah ah, watch how you speak to me baby sis!" he said and this time he was smiling like this was some absurd game. one he was bound to win in the end. no, like one he's already won.

"And why would I do that?" I spat at him.

"cause for each time you talk back or refuse to do something, they will pay for your actions," he said as he showed me a picture on his phone that made me freeze. his phone showed all 8 of the boys in dark rooms tied to chairs, tools for torture lined the walls.

I couldn't stand looking at the sight any longer so I looked at the dirty floor that I sat on...

"Yeah, that's what I thought!" he said sounding triumphant 

I looked up at him with sadness and fear for my friends laced in my eyes "Why are you doing this?" I asked and he walked closer before taking a handful of my hair and pulling my head back and looking into my eyes with his dark ones

"Cause you're the only one who can work the machine, and now that you finally showed yourself, we'll be starting the end of the world sooner than we originally planned," he said and my eyes widened

If I'm the only one who can work the machine, then I can kill it too! 

I would love to have a more thought out plan but right now this is the only info I have

"and what if I refuse?" I asked making sure to spit in his face. he backed off and wiped his face before speaking "Then one of the members of your pathetic family will be hurt every day till you agree." my eyes widened

I need to find a way to get them out of here

I didn't know what to do and it was killing me, like if I agree to work this dumb machine, how would I even do that? and if I were to destroy the machine when they think I'm starting it how would I do that? I don't even know what this machine looks like!

then I have to worry about the safety of the guys, but I don't even know where they are or how big this building is!

there were so many different angles that I need to think about when making a plan, and I haven't even thought of half of them

"I know what you're doing" my brother spoke making me snap out of my thoughts to look at him "You're using that brain of yours to try and come up with a plan!" he said running a hand through his hair "I told dad he shouldn't give you super smarts," he said mostly to himself. 

super smarts...?

I didn't know how to feel about all these new powers.

I can see death, I can make ice and barriers, not even counting super smarts and fire. and who knows maybe there's more that I don't even know about!

"But thankfully you can't think your way out of this, the rope that your friends are tied up with including the rooms they were put in are designed for their powers, so they won't be coming to your rescue, nor will anyone come to their rescue" I felt my heart clench the more he talked

is there really no way out of this?

that thought scared me to death.

maybe I can't think my way out of this one.

"This room is even designed to hold your powers, there is no escape for you, you can't burn this building down like you did the last one" my eyes widened "I burned the last one down?" I asked lowly and he gave me a confused look "You really don't remember?" he asked and I shook my head

"Maybe this will be easier than I originally thought!" he said laughing as he was leaving the room "bye baby sis! I'll be back to hurt you later!" he said with the most disgusting look on his face that I have ever seen

and let's just say he kept his word...

he had so many different tools and he called them his "Babies" it was creepy, it was even worse when he praised them after they hurt me...

he finally left, I was laying on the opposite side of the room still tied up though, he got mad that I couldn't stand anymore so he kicked me till I hit the wall on the other side of the room.

I had so many bruises that I didn't dare to count and I'm pretty sure I had at least a few different broken bones. all I knew was I hurt way too much to try and move, even breathing hurt.

but during the whole thing, the only thing I could think of is that as long as I endure this pain none of the guys have to and that's one of the few things that matter to me right now

but one thing that I couldn't stop thinking about was the fact that the fire was all my fault. what if I killed one of the guys back then? what if I didn't make it out then I wouldn't be here right now and who knows what the world would look like today

all those thoughts hurt me, what if I killed Chan..? 

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