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In the year six billion, the Earth had turned into a living hell. The ground was soft and rocky, the water had evaporated and been replaced with lava, and there were volcanoes covering almost every square inch of the planet. There were no more towns, no more cities, no more anything. Only one man stood on the highest mountain on the planet. Lava splashed against the mountain, as the hooded warrior stood, looking into the ocean of lava that was covering the once inhabited planet. The hooded man had black robes, a once golden gauntlet that was now a dark putrid grey, and large dark red boots. The warrior took his hood down, revealing his long brown hair, pale white skin, and a Jesus- like beard. It was The Creator Of Worlds, The Endless Warrior, he goes by many names... But we just call him... Shaggy. Shaggy Rogers. Shaggy was, and still is, the most powerful warrior in the whole multiverse. Some say that he was created when the universe was, but some say he existed before then. He even speaks of a world that came before this current one, a much simpler world. All rumours aside, Shaggy is the creator of everything. He isn't a god, he is THE god. He stood on the mountain and looked into the distance. There were all kinds of monsters in the lava sea. Giant skeleton worms, Ghasts, giant reptilian chaos creatures, and many others. Shaggy could have just ended it all right now. There was no point saving the universe, was there? It had been destroyed after all. But something was stopping him from doing this. What was it? He had never felt this feeling in his entire lifetime. What could he possibly do now that would effect this doomed future? What was stopping him from ending it all?

A dark force from below was plotting his revenge. A creature much more powerful than any other warrior, yet not as powerful as Shaggy. The creature had been feared by many for centuries, which begs the question as to why Shaggy created it in the first place. Evil can corrupt god's minds, which is what happened to Shaggy at one point in his life. He created this evil being and put his hatred into it, and now he was going to destroy it. He turned around, and saw the giant pit that led to the center of the Earth. It began to glow purple, then yellow, and then orange, then, silence. After this long silence, a giant skeleton hand came bursting out of the pit. The arm was covered in netherite, which could protect itself from most weaponry. Shaggy didn't need weaponry, he had his own personal powers. Then, the creature's head came out of the pit, revealing his torsole as well. It was The Dark Emperor of The Underworld, also known as The Gashadokuro Overlord. The Gashadokuro are spirits that take the form of giant skeletons, these creatures are fifteen times bigger than an average person. With this one being the leader, you'd have no idea how massive this beast is. The size of the Gashadokuro even overwhelmed Shaggy, since he wasn't ready for this, but at the same time, he was determined to destroy this emperor of the dark world.

"My my..." said The Gashadokuro Leader in a deep and scratchy voice. "Shaggy Rogers... The great man himself... The creator of the multiverse, the-"

"Like, I get it" interrupted Shaggy.

The Leader of The Gashadokuro let out a terrifying roar, which stunned Shaggy.

"DO NOT INTERRUPT YOUR NEW MASTER" he boomed. "This is MY world, where I will destroy all planets, all life, and anything that exists will be conquered by me and my new empire!"

"Like, your new empire?!" shouted Shaggy. He then started to glow green, and electrical energy sparks started to move around him. Was this more than 0.000000001% of his power? The Gashadokuro Leader then started to glow red, and he too had electrical sparks going around him. Shaggy took off his hood and cape, now only wearing his green robes and brown trousers. Shaggy began to levitate, now summoning electrical energy from his hands. The Gashadokuro Leader jumped out of the pit, and he too summoned electrical sparks from his hands. The two warriors ran towards each other, engaging in a battle that decided the fate of the multiverse, no, all multiverses. Shaggy shot out a giant beam of energy into Gashadokuro's left eye, but it only bounced off of him and back towards Shaggy. Shaggy grabbed the beem and absorbed it into his hand.

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