Chapter Ten: Negotiations

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"Take a seat, my old friend" grinned Farquad.

Shrek sat at a large red chair with gold handles, whilst Lord Farquad sat at his throne.

"I've been looking forward to seeing you again" he chuckled. "Oh how lonely I was during my exile after The Great Coochie Wars... Oh! You turned to evil, didn't you? I thought you would..."

"How did you survive, Farquad?" Asked Shrek. "You were killed by the dragon all those years ago!"

"Let me ask you this," replied Farquad. "How much are you willing to give up for your swamp?"

"I'd rather die than give you ma swamp!" Replied Shrek. "That place right there is ma birth, and I'm not just gonna give it to ya like we have some sort of common bond or kinship!"

"Oh? Is that so? Well... Perhaps I can change your mind" Said Farquad, who then showed Fiona and Donkey, who were both tied up.

"Don't ya even try that move, Farquad! I'm not givin' ya ma swamp!" Roared Shrek.

"And that is your final decision?" Asked Farquad. "Because if it is, then I'm afraid you'll never see your wife and your friend ever again"

Shrek stopped for a moment to think. Farquad's gloved hand slowly inched towards the big red button

"I can't just give away ma swamp... And I don't want to lose the love of ma life..." thought Shrek. "I must persuade him to give it back and let them go"

"SPEAK NOW OGRE!" Shouted Lord Farquad. "Or your beloved will perish below!"

"Right!" Replied Shrek. "Can't we settle this over a pint?"

Farquad moved away from  the control panel and toward the negotiations table. He took a seat briskly.

"Good" he said. "Now we're getting somewhere. Guards, bring us some refreshments. Sheek, what would you like to drink?"

"Apple cider" he said. "An ogre's favourite" Farquad nodded to the guards, as they left to prepare refreshments. Shrek stared at Farquad with many conflicting emotions in his eyes. Farquad stared back, grinning.

"What are you so happy about?" Snarled Shrek.

"I've been looking forward to finishing our story" said Farquad. "From hero to villian... And from villian to redemption... A Guardian of Time... The Hero Of The Skywars... The Fallen Rebel... And now... An Infinity Guardian... The life of an ogre is always an interesting one. Everyone sees you as this big hero, the saint, the one that saved the world from The Surrounding Darkness... But here's the truth, Sure, your not innocent, are you? I know about your past, I know what you've done. Looks like you've just hid it all under the bed and expect that nobody's noticed..."

"And what have you done for yourself, hm? A dictator who tried to take my love away and was exiled by Shaggy Rodgers himself... And you went into hiding for an eternity... And now you're back, doing what you do best... Trying to ruin someone's existence for your own little amusement" said Shrek. "You won't win this. You never do. You just love bringing up someone else's past to make yourself look good, and it doesn't work. At least I admitted my wrong doings and moved on. You, however, are stuck in the past. Trying the same old trick over and over again expecting a different outcome"

"Hehehe... Oh how I've missed talking to you, Shrek" Laughed Farquad. "The truth is, you're no Saint yourself, are you? I know what you did during your rage. You killed an entire species during the final day of The Coochie Wars... You nearly killed your own wife! Remember that, you nearly killed her in your rage!"

"I was manipulated by you!" Said Shrek angrily. "And how is that any better than what you're doing, or what you plan to do?"

"I'm doing this for the benefit of my people," said Farquad. "You think I'm doing this for my own personal pleasure? What you did can't be pinned on anyone else!"

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