Chapter Seven: The Chamber Of Souls

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As Jack stood there, with his sword in his hand, Iggy was just about ready to fight back. However, to Iggy's surprise, Jack then suddenly fell to his knees and he dropped his sword. Iggy was very puzzled. Rex saw the anger and conflict within Jack's eyes, and he slowly walked over to him, and he put his hand on his forehead, and he saw everything that Jack had experienced. This shocked Rex so much, that he stumbled backwards.

"Jack, what happened to you, and why did Pennywise send you to kill us?" asked Iggy, who was helping him back to his knees.

"I was sent to destroy you for a reason. To stop you from getting in the way of The Master Plan"

"Why are you covered in scars?" asked Iggy.

"After I failed my mission, I finally saw Pennywise's true intentions, and how his Master Plan will destroy us all"

"What is this 'Master Plan'?" asked Rex.

"The Master Plan is-" but before Jack could continue speaking, a silver blade came out of his face, he slowly fell to the ground, with his eyes wide open and jaw open, and he gasped his final breath right in front of Iggy and Rex. Iggy looked up and saw that Ronald McDonald was standing there with a bloody blade in his hand, and a demonic grin on his evil looking face.

"Ha, never liked that eyeless freak" he laughed as he slowly pulled his sword out of Jacks skull, he then looked back up at Iggy and Rex, who had shocked expressions on their faces as they saw Ronald standing before them. Ronald slowly raised his hand and waved at the two of them. "Hi" he said in a creepy little girls voice. Iggy and Rex were horrified. It had been a very lomg time since the two of them had last seen him in person. How did Ronald survive The Reactor explosion all those years ago? Thought Iggy. The two guardians quickly got their swords out, and began to circle the clown.

"So, you two decided to pay us a surprise visit?" Smiled Ronald. "It has been a while, hasn't it? You've spent this whole time trying to track me down, and you did it!"

"Not to disappoint you, Ronald, but we're here for a different reason" stated Rex. "We're here to return the infinity crystals"

"I don't think that's true now, is it?" replied Ronald. "I think you're here for something else... The circle is now complete. You two caused my death, now I will get even with you"

"How are you still alive after being gone for fifty years?" Asked Rex.

"Oh my dear Rex, did you forget? I always come back!" Replied Ronald.

"How did you survive The Reactor explosion?" asked Iggy. "Many people were killed because of it, yet you lived?"

"Oh so many questions, yet so little time!" Giggled Ronald in a sadistic voice. "I've been waiting for the past fifty years to return, and now I will finally get my revenge. Once Pennywise's master plan is ready, the entire world will be ours!"

"Then we will end this, right here, right now!" shouted Rex, who then charged towards Ronald and he swung his sword towards his chest. Ronald blocked the attack at the last second, and he overpowered Rex by pushing him backwards. Iggy then swooped in and pinned Ronald to the wall, the both of them blocking each other's attacks.

"I've been waiting for this moment" said Ronald.

"Why are you working with Pennywise?" asked Iggy, who was struggling to block Ronald's sword. "I thought you were loyal to The OVerlord"

"Let's just say I owe him a favour" replied Ronald. He then overpowered Iggy and pushed him backwards to adhere Rex had landed. Iggy immediately got back up and helped Rex too. They weren't going to be defeated that easily.

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