Chapter One: Assemble!

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It was a warm summer afternoon in Herotown. Iggy was relaxing on his sofa, watching an episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars on his TV. On the small coffee table in front of him was half a packet full of sour jellybeans, which he had slowly eaten over the course of 2 episodes, and an empty bottle of cherry Coke. Iggy was just about to doze off, when he suddenly heard his mobile phone ring next to him. He woke up an was on it in a flash, and when he answered the phone, he heard his friend's voice. It was Rex, and it sounded like he was in distress.

"Iggy!" He shouted. "You've GOT to get to Main Street right NOW!"

Without questioning, Iggy put his phone in his pocket and sprinted out of the house and down the street. He passed by hundreds of stalls that were set up in the High Street. The streets smelt of bacon which came out of the local butchers, and the smell of sented candles, which mixed with the wind while Iggy ran, and he felt the heat from it touch his face. He then saw a huge crowd of people running from around the corner. The lizard was right up ahead. H
Iggy picked up the pavement, and he saw Rex waving a couple meters away from him. When he met up with Rex, he saw that  giant lizard destroying an apartment complex.

"Let's do this," said Iggy, who then leaped into the air, and climbed onto the top of one of the buildings. He then leaped from building to building, like a silent ninja. The lizard then noticed Iggy, and it swung it's massive tail right towards him, but before it could hit Iggy, he then latched onto the tail, and climbed up to its body. Rex then leaped onto the lizard as well, and paralyzed it by stabbing it in the back.

"Take em' out Iggy!" Said Rex, as he began to run over to join in. Iggy then climbed onto the head of the lizard, and suddenly, he felt a strange energy pulse through his right arm. Just then, he shot out purple lightning out of his hand, which hit crawled over the lizards body, making it let out a roar of pain. Rex fell off of the lizard and onto the ground, as the lizard vanished in a flash. Iggy was on the head of the lizard, which was up near a tall building, so Iggy then began to fall to his death. Rex ran over to where Iggy was falling so he could catch him, but before he could get there, Iggy and Rex were suddenly teleported away by something.

Iggy opened his eyes, and saw that he wasn't splattered across the concrete. He looked to his left and saw that Rex was there too. They both then looked at their surroundings. The two of them were in a lush green field, with a river and a bridge close to it. They had been here before, a long time ago.

"Why are we outside The Castle Gardens?" Asked Iggy.

"More importantly," added Rex "How did we get here?"

Just then, The Castle gates opened behind them. The two of them turned and saw a person in knights armour, sitting on a horse. The knight had a sharp sword in his hand, and he stared at Iggy and Rex for a moment, and then he broke the silence.

"私は城の庭の番人です!ここにあなたのビジネスを述べてください!" Uttered the knight. Iggy stared back in a confused look.

"Beg your pardon?" Replied Iggy.

"私たちはここに連れて行かれました、偉大な騎士!どうぞ、あなたのリーダーに私たちを連れて行ってください!" Said Rex to the knight. The knight looked at Rex and nodded his head. He then walked through the gates and allowed them both to go through into the castle.

"You know what he said?" Asked Iggy.

"He was speaking Japanese" said Rex. "He asked us why we are here, I replied asking for him to take us to his leader, and here we are now" said Rex.

"Where did you learn Japanese?" Asked Iggy.

"You have your secrets, I have mine" he said. They both followed the knight into the old and massive castle. The inside was like a cathedral, the ceiling was so high up, you almost couldn't see it. Iggy and Rex saw loads of really posh and rich people walking through the large cathedral like hallways, until they made it to a massive oak door saying "Throne Room". The two of them walked in, while the knight stood in the doorway. In front of them was a long red carpet that was longer than any red carpet ever produced. At the end of the seemingly endless carpet, was a ruby red throne. Sitting at that throne, was The King, who just so happened to be The God Of Creation himself, Shaggy Rodgers. Iggy and Rex bowed down and greeted their king, and then, he began to speak.

"Greetings, Iggy and Rex. It has been quite some time since you were both here, hasn't it?" said Shaggy.

"Thank you, my lord" said Iggy. "Might I ask, were you the one who teleported us here?"

"Like, your correct man," replied the king.

"Why have you summoned us here, Master?" Asked Rex.

"Some time ago, I travelled to a dark and apocalyptic future," said Shaggy. "And I remembered both of your outstanding work in the past"

"Thank you master" said Iggy.

"You are very much welcome. Now, since then, I have been thinking deeply about what I should do next, and I believe that the two of you are worthy enough to become even more powerful" said Shaggy, who then stood up from his throne and took out two shiny crystals. One was people, with a dark center, and the other was red and blue. He gave the purple one to Iggy, and the other to Rex.

"These are the infinity crystals" said Shaggy. "They were once one big crystal, but it was destroyed a very long time ago. The remains of the crystals, which you have here, have their own power. However, only you can unlock this power".

"Why have you given us these crystals?" Asked Iggy.

"There is a dark force that wants to use all eight of these crystals to take over the universe" said Shaggy. "I need 6 more warriors who can guard them with their lives"

"Perhaps I should take one," said the knight, who was now speaking English. Iggy and Rex turned around and saw the knight take his helmet off, and when he was unmasked, Iggy and Rex were surprised to see that the knight was none other than Tom the cat from Tom and Jerry.

"Tom?!" Said Rex in a surprised voice.

"How's it going man?" Said Iggy. Tom walked over to high five the both of them.

"I've been doing well," he said. "Jerry is... Well, he's been doing much better since the accident"

"Yes... Well, it's good to hear that he's had a slow yet steady recovery" said Rex with a smile.

"So then Tom... You want a crystal?" Asked Shaggy.

"Yes my lord, do you believe that I am truly worthy enough?" Asked Tom.

"Like, of course man!" Said Shaggy. He then walked over to Tom and gave him a cyan crystal, with a white center.

"You are the first three warriors to own these crystals," said Shaggy. "You will now be known as... The Infinity Guardians"

"Thank you, master!" Said Iggy, who then looked at his crystal, which was glowing a light purple colour.

"So what is our first mission?" Asked Rex.

"For now, summon more heroes that you may believe to be guardian material," said Shaggy. "I will decide whether they are worthy enough once you return" explained Shaggy.

"Well then," said Iggy. "Let's go summon some heroes!". Iggy then began to run at full speed out of the castle.

"Iggy! Wait up!" Said Rex, who ran just as fast after him.

"Like, keep an eye on them, Tom" said Shaggy.

"Of course," said Tom, who then also ran after the two of them. Shaggy sat back on his throne, and watched the The Infinity Guardians begin their journey...

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