Chapter Five: Trouble On The Train

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"I can't belive we lost our crystals," said Iggy, who had his face buried in his hands. "Shaggy will definitely confiscate them once we get them back"

The five of them were walking through the lush green countryside, and were heading for the nearest train station.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, it'll be alright!" Smiled Garnet.

"I hope your right..." said Iggy in relief.

"Yeah Iggy, I'm sure he has total confidence in us" replied Rex.

"Its just one mess-up," said Shrek. "I've made hundreds of mistakes before, but I've always stayed derermined!"

"Thanks guys... So, how are we going to get to Pennywise's castle?" Asked Iggy.

"After our train journey, we're going to stop at a house that belongs to a friend of mine. They said they can help us, as they can travel to other worlds" said Rex.

"Okay, lets get a move on then!" Replied Iggy. A little while later, they finally made it to the train station. The five of them were getting to their destination by steam train, and while they were waiting, Iggy noticed a sketchy looking person sitting on the bench opposite them. Iggy couldn't make out their face, as they were wearing a black hood, and they had a dark crystal in their hand. Iggy tapped Tom's shoulder and started to whisper to him.

"You see that bloke opposite us?" Whispered Iggy.

'Yeah, he looks a bit off" replied Tom.

"I suggest we keep a sharp eye out for any suspicious behaviour on that train" advised Iggy.

Tom nodded in agreement. As Tom told the others, Iggy went into the small station shop to buy some supplies for their trip. After buying snacks and other nesorserries, he saw the hooded man enter the shop. Iggy watched him for a moment as he entered the small little shop, and then he swiftly made his way out of the shop and sat back down next to Tom and the others. Iggy got the newspaper that he bought out of his bag and began to inspect the front of it. Written in bold was the headding: "GIANT LIZARDS INVADE". As he continued to read it, he felt as if he was being seen through the newspaper. He bought the paper away from his face, and saw the man sitting back on the bench, staring at Iggy in the same way earlier. For the rest of the time that they were waiting, Iggy kept a sharp eye on that man. Eventually, their train pulled into the station, and it was none other than The Flying Scotsman. Everyone poured into the carridges and waited for the train to start. Iggy and the rest sat down and finally got to have a moment of peace and quiet. Iggy however was still on the lookout for any suspicious activity. Could that man from earlier really be of any danger? Was it just an early Halloween joke? Nevertheless, Iggy decided to take a little walk through the careidges. He eventually made his way into the dining car. Iggy ordered a glass of lemonade to calm him down. He looked out the window and saw the mountains and fields go by. Back in the other carriage, Garnet was having a catnap, while Rex was relaxing and watching one of his favourite shows, Primeval. While watching one of the episodes, he saw something odd occurring further down the train. At the very front, he saw the hooded man from earlier stabbing the traindriver repeatedly in the back. Rex stood up in an instant, and he rushed over to the front of the train. He was too late however, as when he got there, the train driver was dead. Rex slammed the door shut and ran through the train, trying to look for Iggy.

"Everyone, get to the back of the train!" Rex shouted. "Theres been a murder!"

"Rex, what the hell is going on?" Askes Iggy.

"That hooded man from outside, I just saw him kill the traindriver!" He yelled.

"It must be one of Pennywise's apprentices he sent to mess us up" said Iggy. "Right, get Tom, Garnet, Shrek and the other passengers to the back. I'll take this one alone"

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