Chapter Three: Sewer Showdown

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As The Rake got closer and closer towards its prey, Iggy was trying to tap into his dark power so he could stand a chance at surviving.

"Iggy, use your shape shifting power!" Shouted Tom.

"I don't shape shift no more!" Replied Iggy. "You know what happened last time!"

"Guess we're dead then!" Said Tom.

"Not on my watch," replied Rex.

Rex was trying to use his survival instincts, but he couldn't do much without his crystal either, but he still had a plan if the Rake got close enough to him. When the three of them thought that they were minced meat, they all heard loud stomps from behind the rake. The creature turned around and let out an ear piercing screech. The sewers stood silent for a short amount of time, but then, there was a loud, deafening roar. The Rake screamed in pain due to the loudness of the roar. The roar was so powerful, it broke the guardians out of their chains. The Rake was livid, so it charged towards Iggy, Rex and Tom, ready to rip them to shreds. But before it could even land a claw on then, The Rake was stopped by a huge figure in a black cloak. It swung the rake around in the air, and he threw it against the walls, which knocked it unconscious.

"Thank you!" Said Tom.

"It was nothing," said the hooded man. Iggy recognised the man's voice from somewhere, but he couldn't put his funger on it.

"Who are you anyway?" Asked Iggy.

"It has been quite some time since we last crossed paths, Iggy" replied the hooded man. He then slowly took his hood off, and the three of them saw that it was none other than Shrek, and in his hand was a sword with a green crystal in the middle of it.

"Shrek?! Is that really you?!" Said Rex in amazement.

"Yep, Shaggy summoned me yesterday to come find you lot. You're lucky that I found you before you became Rake food" he said. "Speaking of which, how did you all get yourselves into this predicament?"

"Pennywise kidnapped us after we finished shopping for armour" said Iggy. "He even stole our crystals! God knows where he's gone or what he has planned!"

"He did say something about something called Invasion Day" said Tom.

"I have no doubt that Pennywise is up to something big" said Rex.

"Then we better track him down and get your crystals back!" Said Shrek. But before they could leave, The Rake had gotten back up, and was ready for round two.

"Heh, this should be fun!" Said Iggy, who then charged towards The Rake at full speed, and before he could land a bit, The Rake had swiftly dodged Iggy's attack. Iggy almost fell over after his failed tackle, but he managed to stay up and he continued to chase the creature. Shrek on the other hand was planning the best way of attacking. He already used his roar, using it again would weaken him. What could he use now? Then, he decided that it was finally time to use his darker power. Shrek began to charge up an attack with his sword, while Iggy and Tom were getting beaten to a pulp.

"Little help here?!" said Tom, who was getting punched and thrown around like a ragdoll.

"Be patient," said Shrek. "Just buy me some time!"

"I'll distract the creature, you charge up your attack" said Rex, who then noticed an old metal rod with a sharp pointed end. He was over to it in a flash, and he then ran towards The Rake at full speed. Although he now had a weapon, Rex's attacks didn't seemt to damage The Rake in any way, it was as if he had skin made of steel. Iggy however wasjust getting started, as he managed to get The Rake from behind, tackling him to the wall. The two fo them struggled for a bit, until The Rake overpowered Iggy, and pushed him backwards into a large boulder. After shaking his head, Iggy stood back up, and continued to try and damage the creature. Finally, the attack that Shrek was charging was fianlly ready, so he then raised his sword into the air, his crystal began to shake violently, and then the ground began to shake violently, stunning Iggy, Rex, Tom and The Rake. Just then, the ground above them began to fall apart, as they finally saw daylight for the first time in what felt like an eternity. Then, a large eye peered through the hole. The beady eye stared at the small life forms, until it let out a roar, which filled the sewers with fire. When the body of the creature was seen fully by Iggy and the others, they saw that it was a huge, red, man eating, fire breathing, killer dragon, and it wasn't very happy.

"Dragon!" cried Shrek. "Destroy!"

The dragon sswiftly flew into the sewers, and ripped the creature to shreds, not before it gave out one last ear deafening screech, filling the sewers with fire. Then, after the smoke had faded away, they saw nothing but a burning ripped up courpse. The Rake had perished. The three of them stared at what they had just seen with amazement in their eyes. They hadn't seen anything like in a long, long time.

"How... How the HELL did you do that?!" gasped Iggy in amazement.

"Your crystals have a hidden power within," said Shrek. "You just have to find it"

"Thank you, Shrek" said Rex. "You saved our lives!"

"It's not a problem!" Said Shrek. "Now, I think we should return to Shaggy's Castle and tell him about the missing crystals"

"He's not going to be happy about that..." Said Tom.

And he was right, he wasn't


Pennywise was walking up to his throne, which had eight crystal slots on them. Four on each side. He sat down and out these of them into his throne. Just then, one of his clown minions came into the throne room with a scared look on his face.

"M-m-master, word has spread that the guardians have survived The Rake's attack!"

"WHAT?!" Yelled Pennywise. "How could YOU let this happen?!"

"W-w-we will send your apprentice to destroy them i-i-immediatly my lord!" Replied his minion.

"If the guardians find my hidden base, there will be SERIOUS concquences, do you understand?" said Pennywise in a threatening voice.

"Yes sir," said his minion, who then fled the room in fear. Penny-wise then got his red crystal out from his pocket, and thna a holagram of a person appeared.

"What is it, my master?" asked the hooded person.

"We have three guardians that need to be taken down," said Penny-wise. "I have three of their crystals, so they do not stand a chance at surviving"

"It will be done, my lord" replied the hooded man, who then vanished into nothingness. Penny-wise then sat back on his throne, and waited for his apprentice to return.

The four guardians walked towards the sewer exit, and found themselves back in the village. It was 12:00 in the afternoon, and the four of them needed to eat, as they had been stuck in the sewers for hours. The four of them made their way down to a cafe. Iggy ordered a chicken sandwich and a can of 7up, while Rex got a ham sandwich and a bottle of coke. Tom and Shrek get themselves a pint of beer each, as they weren't in the mood for eating, but they were in the mood for getting drunk. While standing outside waiting for his food, Iggy noticed a gang of thugs walk in with knives and bags. Iggy peeked around the corner to see what they were doing inside, and then he immediately ran in as he saw that they were planning on robbing the place. Iggy ran up to one of the thugs and tackled him to the ground, but then the thug held a knife up to Iggy's neck and threatened to kill him if they didn't get the money. Just then, everyone was shocked to see Shaggy himself enter the cafe. He walked in with a bright god like light behind him, and he went up to the gang leader and looked him straight in the eye.

"Let my friend go," ordered Shaggy in a quiet voice.

"Ha, or what?" Replied the leader.

Bad idea

Shaggy smiled and got closer to the gang leader.

"You really don't wanna know," he said. Again, the leader laughed, and then he pushed Shaggy. Shaggy walked back to him and he punched the leader right in the nose.

"Argh!" Shouted the gang leader.

"I suggest you leave before I got you somewhere else..." warned Shaggy.

"Ha! Nope!" Replied the leader. "Let's fight and see what happens!"

"Heh..." Laughed Shaggy. "This can go two ways, punk. One, you walk away... Two... I walk on your face!"

All of the gang members then began to laugh at Shaggy, which only made things worse for them, as they were about to have a serious beating.

"Your choice..." Laughed Shaggy, who was just about to destroy every single thug in the room...

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