Chapter Six: The Underworld

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"Good morning guys" smiled Tom, who walked into the living room and sat at the breakfast table. Iggy was laying on his bed with his eyes wide open. He didn't get a wink of sleep last night due to his nightmares. He slowly stood up, but fell to the floor due to how tired he was. Tom heard the sound of Iggy falling, and went into his room to go help him out.

"What's the matter?" Asked Tom.

"Couldn't sleep... All going to die" said Iggy.

"Oh," he said. "Well uh, why don't you come into the living room and eat something?"

"Okay," said Iggy. He slowly stood up from his bed, and limped into the living room, where everyone else was sitting.

"Hello" said Iggy, with no emotion whatsoever.

"Hey Iggy," said Rex.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Asked Shrek.

There was nothing but silence for a few moments.

"No" replied Iggy.

"Did you have another... Vision?" Asked Garnet.

"Yes" replied Iggy. "I had a vision of Pennywise destroying the world... Again"

"We better get to his castle and stop him before it's too late" said Shrek. "Maybe we can use your visions to our advantage?"

"It's strange though," said Iggy, who then sat at the dining table. "I can only see these visions when I don't want to see them. I cannot control when I see one of them. I'm not sure how we can use it to our advantage. Plus, I seen to lose all strength, all feeling and all emotion when it happens. This effect lasts for quite a while too"

"If so, we will not force these visions on to you then" said Shrek. "Besides, Rex's friend will be able to get us to the place we wanna get to. Oh, by the way, who is this friend of yours, Rex?"

"Erm... Well, you see..." Said Rex slowly.

"It better not be... Him" warned Garnet.

"Sorry, but it is him" Rex confessed.

"REALLY?!" shouted Garnet. "Frickin' Baldi?! You KNOW that we've had trouble with him in the past!"

"Look, he's a changed man! He helped us out in a sticky situation a couple of Chrisgmas' ago. Trust me, he's reformed!"

"Well, I hope you're right" said Garnet. "Because if not, him and I are gonna have a problem" she said as she sharpened her claws.

A few hours later, the five of them stood outside a massive schoolhouse, waiting for Baldi to meet them. As nervous as they were, Iggy and Rex smiled whilst waiting outside the schoolhouse. Despite the fact that Black was a bit mentally insane, they did have some good adventures together. Tom also began to remember their adventures, such as the time they fought against Granny, or survived Chicky in the facility. Shrek however was growing impatient, as they had been standing there for over 15 minutes.

"This is the place, right?" Asked Shrek, who stared at his watch, and tapped his foot.

"Don't be so impatient, Shrek" said Rex. "This is most definitely the right place"

Just then, the school doors swung open, Iggy and Rex saw the familiar silhouette of that old math teacher approach them, as Baldi came running out of the building, ruler in hand and wearing his old green sweater.

"HEEEELLLLOOOO GUYS!" He said with glee.

"Hey Baldi!" said Rex. "How have you been?"

"I've been great, thanks!" He said with a massive smile on his face. "It's so great to see you all, I missed you guys!"

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