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It was 7:30 am, and Kongpob was bright and early, knocking on the door of his lover. He squealed internally. His lover! It felt so good to say it. It was Arthit's first birthday that he would be celebrating, and he was super excited as he had planned a fabulous day for his boyfriend. He knocked again when he heard no reply, and this time he heard some noise coming from the room and the door finally opened.

Arthit stood in front of him, grumpy, messed up hair standing in all directions, and rumpled clothes, as he stood glaring at Kongpob for disturbing his beauty sleep.

Kongpob, unable to suppress his grin seeing how adorable his lover looked, gave him a megawatt smile and held up the packets he was carrying. One was his lover's favorite drink, the other their breakfast.

"Birthday delivery service, Khap!" he beamed, and Arthit, though grouchy, couldn't stop the hint of smile peek through. Shaking his head, he moved back, letting Kongpob in.

"P'Arthit Khap!" Arthit turned only to be stunned by a sudden peck from Kongpob on his lip.

"Kongpob! What the hell! I haven't brushed."

"I know P'. But you look so cute, I couldn't stop myself. Happy Birthday, Na Khap. It's our first birthday together. And I cant wait to spend all our birthdays together."

And Arthit melted! He could feel his insides melt and pool into his abdominal cavity, giving him a mushy, goofy feel there. His ears turned red, and he wanted to jump on the bed and hide under the covers. How could Kongpob's word have this effect on him, he didn't know? Kongpob spoke with such conviction about their future that every time he heard such promises about the future, he felt butterflies in his tummy.

Arthit turned away to hide his face, and Kongpob wrapped his arm around him from behind kissing his hair, inhaling his musky smell, kissed the nape of his neck. Arthit felt goosebumps cover his skin from this sweet contact. He held Arthit for a few moments before turning him around and kissed his nose.

"Time for a shower, P'. Get ready, then we can have our breakfast together."


After pushing Arthit into the bathroom, he opened his wardrobe to pull out his t-shirt and jacket and packed them inside his bag discretely, and then proceeded with the rest of his plan. He had planned a fun day for Arthit, and as the birthday boy, he had to look his best. He snorted! As if Arthit ever looked bad!

Arthit came out of the bathroom to find the food already laid out. Smiling, he joined his lover in finishing the breakfast, which was a bit more elaborate than other days. Trust Kongpob to go the extra mile, but who was he to complain. He just wanted to cherish these special moments.

While eating, he stole glances at his junior and smiled, remembering how he surprised him last night. He called him at 11:58 pm and asked him to come out to the balcony, and when Arthit did, just as the date changed, Kongpob's entire balcony lit up with fairy lights as he stood there holding a huge placard that read '❤️❤️❤️Happy Birthday, P'Arthit! ❤️❤️❤️'. He then proceeded to shout from the balcony, "Phom rak Phi na!"

Arthit was stunned! Shocked, like a deer caught in headlights! It was dark, and only Kongpob's balcony was lit up like the freaking Rockefeller Christmas tree. And in the still of the night, his voice carried through easily. If there were Christmas lights on Kongbob's balcony, there were new year's fireworks in Arthit's heart! He felt he would explode with joy.

Never in his entire existence has anyone ever done something so sweet and cheesy for him, and he felt emotional at the blatant display of love and affection from his lover. But soon that changed to embarrassment as Kongpob continued to shout "Phom rak Phi na!", waving the placard. A few lights had started to come on in other rooms, and Arthit was having a mini heart attack.

Waving to Kongpob to stop, he shouted "Enough! Enough!" but there was no stopping his junior, so Arthit scooted back into the room and shut the curtain, all the while trying his hardest to not smile. But he felt so loved that he couldn't stop himself.

His phone rang again, and this time it was a video-call.

"P', why did you go in? Come out!" Kongpob complained.

"No! That was the only way to stop you from shouting and waking up everyone in the dorm."

"P' Arthit!!"

"Kong! Thank you so much for doing this for me. But please! Let's not attract any unwanted attention. Please!"

"Ok, P!" Kongpob said, slightly dejected.

"But thank you, Kong! What you have done for me is really special to me. No one has ever done this much for me. Thank you!"

"My pleasure P'. I promise that your birthdays are going to be special and unique each time."

"You wishing me for my birthday is more than enough, Kong. Really!"

"I know, P'. I do this not only for you. I do this for us. Because I want to show you, in actions how much you mean to me. You mean the world to me, P'."

Arthit was speechless and shy, he just smiled.

"Now go sleep. We have class!"

"Khap P! Happy Birthday P. I wish you all the joy, happiness, and success this year! You deserve only the best in this life. Goodnight! I love you! Muah!"

"Goodnight, Kongpob!" He disconnected the call and looking at Kongpob's contact picture he whispered, "I think I have found the best already!"

Love, KongpobOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora