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As the song ended, Arthit stood up and unable to stop himself, he hugged his lover tight right in front of everyone, and all they could do was smile and cheer them silently, hoping that they too get to experience a love so sweet as between these two people. Arthit looked at Kongpob and smiled his thank you and grabbing his arm, he sat Kongpob down next to him. Everyone was feeling emotional after that romantic tribute.

"Ummm, I think it's time we wrap up for today. We do have class tomorrow," Knot reminded everyone as it was pushing nine, and he knew Arthit and Kongpob would like to spend some alone time together.

Everyone groaned as they got up from their seats and Kongpob excused himself to settle the bill. When he came back, everyone was all set to leave.

"Thank you, for today's treat, Kongpob. It was a lot of fun."

Arthit looked confused, and Toota jumped in to gush out all the details of how Kongpob was the one to plan the entire afternoon activity for the seniors, while Kongpob stood there embarrassed.

"Thank you, N'Kongpob. We had a lot of fun. We really need that break. As students, we forget sometimes, that along with studies, we need to enjoy these small breaks in life. You gave us that opportunity. So thank you!"

"It was my pleasure, P'. That's exactly why I planned this day for you all. And also as a thank you for taking such good care of us until now." Everyone was so impressed with what Kongpob said that they each pulled him into a hug and thanked him. Standing there, seeing his boyfriend being accepted and hugged by his best friends made Arthit's heart soar, and he was so close to bursting out into tears. His slight tipsy state was not helping his emotions as well.

Everyone slowly left after once again wishing Arthit and thanking Kongpob while they both were the last ones left. Holding his hand, Arthit leaned his head and lay it on Kongpob's head. The silence in the room after all that sound was soothing.

"Shall we leave, P?"

"Hmmm! Just one moment! I want to absorb this silence," and so they stood like that for some time.

"Thank you, for that song! It meant so much to me!"

"I am happy that you liked it!"

"You meant it! Didn't you! What the song represented!"

"Hmm, yes, P'. Your silence speaks to me!"

Stunned, Arthit looked up, tears making his eyes shine. He then pulled Kongpob into a sweet kiss to show him how his words made him feel. The kiss started slow and sweet, but soon it was taking on a sensual undertone. Realizing where they were, Kongpob stepped back.

"P'! Cameras!"

That pulled Arthit out of his daze, and regretfully he pulled away.

"Shall we?" Kongpob held out his hand, and Arthit laced his fingers through him as they collected the gifts and exited the room.

Hand in hand, they slowly walked out of the bar and hailed a taxi. Arthit settled on Kongpob's shoulder, and Kongpob gently kissed his hair.

As the taxi sped towards their dorm, they enjoyed the silence that enveloped them. Once they reached inside Arthit's room, Arthit set aside his gifts and pulled Kongpob to sit next to him.

"Thank you so much, Kongpob! It was by far the best birthday ever. All thanks to you."

"No, P'! Your friends added so much more to it."

"I know! But had you not planned it, this would not have happened." Kongpob smiled, shy. He didn't know to handle praise.

"But Kong! You have to tell me how much you spent today. I will pay you for it. It must have been so expensive."

"Don't worry, P',. Please! I had planned this well and had enough for this day."

"But Kong, it's not right!"

"It's my gift for you, P'. How can it be wrong?"

"But it must be so expensive. Please let me at least pitch in for my friends."

"Please don't worry, P! It's my money. Not from my parents' money that I planned this with."

"Your money?"

"I had participated in a Science Olympiad, and I had placed second in 11th grade. I had saved that money for something special. And I used that money today." Kongpob said, all smiles, and Arthit was overwhelmed. To hear that Kongpob used his savings towards his birthday.

"Kong! How could you? It was your prize money."

"I know, P'. And I was so happy that I finally could put that money to some good use."

"I don't know if I should feel cherished or be angry. Why would you do that, Kong? That's your prize money."

"Yes, P'. The money that I earned by studying hard and acing the exam and I used it for the one I love. Don't worry. I did buy gifts for my parents and sister as well."

"But you must have blown the entire sum away today."

"P'Arthit! Please. It's what I wanted. Let's not hash it out now and ruin the moment. Trust me on this one, P'. If I wanted to save money, I would not have done what I did today! It's your birthday, and I had to celebrate it. You coming into this world is a big deal for me. Please! Don't be worried! Please!" he pleaded with his puppy eyes, and Arthit had no option but to cave in and let go.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, Kong!" Arthit hugged Kongpob as he repeated these words to his lover.

"Umm P, I have a request. Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Of course!"

"Can we sleep in my room tonight?"

Arthit nodded, confused.

"Good, then can you please come over to my room after 15 minutes. Please!"


"Please, P'. Please come after 15 minutes," he said as he rushed out of the room and Arthit sat there looking confused, shaking his head. He quickly gathered the things that he needed for the night and the next day- his nightclothes and books that he needed for tomorrow's class. His and everyone else's bags were left in the locker this afternoon.

Once packed he quickly jumped into the shower to wash away the day's grime. All that jumping on the trampoline had made him sweaty in the afternoon and he had just wiped himself with some tissues in the mall restroom.

Reaching Kongpob's room, he knocked on the door to find it slightly ajar, and pushing it open, he stepped into the room.

The sight that greeted him was something completely unexpected.

The entire room was lit up by candles all around, and Kongpob stood in the middle, surrounded by the warm glow of the candlelight, smiling like he was given the sun and moon.

Stunned, Arthit could only stare. 

Love, KongpobWhere stories live. Discover now