Chapter 8 - The Alphas

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On Sunday, both Kiara and Cathy told their parents about the change in their dormitories. They didn't really have a choice since their parents came over to visit them, especially Kiara's mother who had stopped by almost every day to check on her. Kiara's mother wanted to meet Brent and Cathy's mother was ecstatic when she heard what he'd done for them.

"Oh honey, don't worry about it too much," her mother told her. Cathy sat at her desk in her room and stared out her window as they talked on the phone.

"Mom, it's too much! And, he keeps calling me "his" even though he doesn't want to date me and we're supposed to be just friends."

She heard her mother laugh softly. "Honey, I wouldn't worry about it cause there's nothing you can do about it but let it run its course. There's a word for a man like Brent. Your father was just like him."

"What word can describe Brent Jaggers? I can't seem to find one for him."

"He's an Alpha, honey."

"What's that?"

"An Alpha male are the most dominant, demanding, aggressive males in the world. They are strong and they are powerful and when they set their eyes on something they want, nothing will stop them from having it. They're leaders, they don't have a submissive bone in their body. They often have their own group of friends that they are close to who are loyal to them and willing to do whatever for them. They're overprotective, possessive, and afraid of nothing. They're a very rare male breed, but they do exist. When they care, you're going to know they care about you, there will be no doubts, no guessing about it and if they happen to fall in might as well kiss your life as you know it good bye, but then again, life as you know it would probably be nothing compared to the way they're going to love you. These men are not afraid to show you how they feel about you because they have a massive amount of confidence in who they are. If they are insecure it will be about how you feel about them. It seems Brent is already developing some feelings for you. You better try to tone that down cause if he falls in love with you, if you end up being "the one" for him, it's all over for you, honey."

Cathy gasped, an excited tingling running through her body. "And dad was like this with you?"

"Yes, he told me he knew I was his the moment he laid eyes on me. What a thing to say. I fought him hard because he was coming on too strong and I didn't know what to make of it. Don't get me wrong, I wanted him like no other, but it was all happening so fast, but that's just the personality of an Alpha. They can sense when they've found the love of their lives and they will scare you with their intensity. It seems like you are going through the same thing with Brent that I did with your father. I don't blame you for complaining. Alpha males are not normal."

"But I'm not the love of his life, I couldn't be far from it. You should see the girls he dates. I'm nothing compared to them."

"Brent is young. He's only a sophomore, he probably doesn't know what he wants, but he feels something for you, I'm sure. And, he's probably confused as hell over it." Her mother giggled.

"Mom, I am not "The One" for Brent Jaggers so stop insinuating that I am. He says he does stuff like this for girls all the time."

"That sounds like such a lie..." her mother said.

Cathy could hear her cackling on the other end of the line. "He's rich! He probably does!" she yelled at her defensively.

"Ok, honey," her mom said. "But you know, I'm glad he's in your life. You need someone to watch over you. You've been alone too long, sweetheart."

"So have you," Cathy told her. "Do you think you'd ever be able to move on?"

"It's been four years, but I wake up feeling like it just happened every day. I miss your father so much. I don't think I'll ever get over him. I'll just be a widower for the rest of my life. Once you experience love from a man like your father, no one will ever be able to compare. I'm his, even in his death. His friends never let me forget it that's for sure. They still call to check on me and you, still come by to visit when they're traveling. I swear he must have written in his will for those guys to watch over me if something ever happened to him."

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