Requests/Things I will and won't do(Closed)

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Hello! You can drop any requests you'd like here and I'll probably make a oneshot about it

Now, let's get onto the things I will and won't do!

Things I absolutely will do:
-Almost any AU
-I love writing with headcanons so if you have any of those to go along with your request those would be sweet.
-Pure fluff straight from a rainbow
-maybe some lemons🍋

Things I despise and will not do:
-Incest, toxicity, abuse, pedophilia, and things like that.
-Toko Fukawa, Mikan Tsumiki, or Sonia Nevermind, unless they're side characters
-I will rarely do angst by itself, but I live for angst/fluff because that is my j a m.
-Possibly character death
-Anything from DRV3 or Ultra Despair Girls since I haven't seen those fully yet.

And that's about it, I probably missed some stuff so I might add on later!
The first chapter will come out soon. Who will be shipped with the mechanical idiot?

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