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[This a flashback before Hyunsuk fall down from the brigde]

"How could you do this to us?" His father slapped him again, his face became numb for the nth how many times he experienced this? He even lost count of it because since he was a child he father always punish him for just a small reason, was a labelled as problematic child with no future. "You really bring nothing but shameful in this family." His mother said, he known her as a loving mother ever since he was born and he thought that she would protect him now is ashamed to have a child like him. " Yeonjun is better than you." Mentioning his twin brother's name triggers him, he always being compared to Yeonjun. His twin brother who being manipulated by this parents, whom he resented being the perfect son.

"Stop comparing me to him." He whispered, clenching his fist.

His father laugh at him, "Stop? Why we should? We won't stop until you realize that you need to be like him Hyunsuk. Look at your brother, he follow what we told him he takes up medicine course and he even want to be a lawyer just like your grandparents. While you, Taking up Music course That will make you great? Come on just follow what we want for you."

That's it, "Yeonjun this, Yeonjun that! Yes I'm a useless child yes I bring shameful to this family so please stop controlling my life! I want to live in my own! I want to have my own freedom! Stop controlling everything like I'm a robot! I'm a human too! Mom, Dad."He release all of his frustration and heavy feeling from his heart are slowly lifting as he said those words. "Can you please let me go?"

"Go! Do what you want! Don't ever comeback in here while kneeling down to accept you back as our son! Your nothing but a trash!" Without any hesitation, Hyunsuk run towards his room and pack all of his belongings leaving the things given by his parents he doesn't want everyone will know that he is related to Choi (his family). He give one last glance to his parents before going out of the house, he finally can breathe without someone controlling him and starting this night he will be no longer cage in the hands of his parents. Hyunsuk smiled as he thinking how to start this new life.

Within four months, Hyunsuk able to find a small appartment  and a job as a music producer in the small entertainment company even though his salary is small because he is not the main producer but it's enough for his daily expenses and he can save a small amount for paying his rent. "Good Morning!" He smiled at the guard who standing next to him, he decided to go to the cafeteria to get his favorite coffee cause he stayed overnight just to produce new song for Baemon, a famous girl group of their company. "Morning! Your in a good mood today." The guard greeted him back, Hyunsuk nodded. "Something happened?"

"Nothing, the CEO just called me maybe he wants to listen to the new song I made. I have to go I won't let him wait." He wave his hand and immediately walk to elevator and press the button.

As he arrived at the Ceo's office, Hyunsuk was surprise seeing his co-worker sitting on the right side of the CEO chair. He bowed and sit down on the other side, "finally your here." He handed over a folder, "Someone called me last night about something and he want be to say this to you." Hyunsuk got nervous but still accept the folder, "that will be your last salary I'm sorry to say this but I'm going to fired you so if you could just go now and pack your things." The CEO smiled, Hyunsuk had nothing to do but go out from the office and pack all of his things. He really hate his family for making him suffer like this. Days have turn in months, he still not find any permanent or part-time work. His father really use his connection to make him suffer more and keep telling him to comeback home and repent his mistakes, "I thought they would let me control my life now but why they are still doing something to control it. " he sat down to the nearest bench he see, he was really tired and stress because his landlord was asking a payment  and he doesn't have enough money to pay at already the third month he can't pay.

After resting for a minute he start walking again, he can't really ride a cab or taxi cause he needs to save right now. As he arrived at his dorm, he immediately run when he see all of his belongings are outside with his landlord. "Mr. Kang, why are my things is here? I talk to you last time that I going to pay when I found a job and you agreed but-"

"Someone payed for your bills, he said his going to pay double if I make you leave." Mr. Kang butt in, "so now leave and don't ever comeback here." Once again Hyunsuk had so choice.

[End of the flashback]

Jihoon decided to walk outside of the palace, the maids and the eunuch was following him ad one of them holding the umbrella. As the youngest prince, the king really loves him that's why his brothers are jealous about it even though he was not the crown prince but Jihoon's mother is the kings true love. "Oh! It's Prince Jihoon." The girls line up and wants to get close to Jihoon but he ignore them, all of the princes a handsome but Jihoon was more popular because of his playful attitude but sometimes he was cold and temperance. He stop at the shop where sealing goods from the other countries, "Good morning young prince, we have new products today would you like to see them?" The shop owner ask and the princes nodded, "All of you can free to wandered around and buy something, I'm going in." He command before going inside the eunuch followed him, "Jihoon, Can I buy some too?" The eunuch ask, he can always call Jihoon without honorifics if they are alone because they become Bestfriends and they also same age. "Of course you can Yoonbin." He smiled.

Jihoon let Yoonbin go around and followed the shop owner where he put his new goods. "Here young prince feel free to choose any you want." He scan all of the things around and one caught  his attention,  a transparent sphere, made of glass, enclosing a miniaturized person who's surrounded by the water.  "I want this."

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