Chapter Seventeen

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Clarke watched Alicia sleep for as long as she could, memorising the details of her face and appreciating the beauty she was lucky enough to see. She had already gotten so much extra time looking at a face she thought she would never get to see again, but she knew sooner or later her luck would run out. 

She slowly slid out from under the girl, biting her lip harshly when she felt that pain that shot through her body. She felt like her skin was burning, like someone had set fire to her insides and was letting her burn alive. Her ankle throbbed as she put weight on it, but it wasn't as painful as it had been. She lent down, placing a gentle, lingering kiss on Alicia's forehead and turned away, allowing her silent tears to fall down her face. She couldn't keep her promise to Alicia. She couldn't stay and put the women she loved at risk. Not again.

She had put Lexa at risk, at the time she hadn't seen it that way, but after being alone with no one to protect after Praimfaya, she had started to see things differently. She knew that if she hadn't come to the ground that Lexa would have still been alive, but she couldn't quite get herself to regret a second of when they were together. They shared so many quiet moments, discussing plans early on for Mount Weather or in Polis, spending the afternoons finding ways to help their people. Although they hadn't shared their feelings until the last night they spent together, they had felt them many moments leading up to that. It was like a cruel twist of fate, Clarke finally had Lexa, only to loose her moments later. She touched the flame's box, that she always secretly kept close by, and whispered an apology to Alicia before she limped out of the room. She took down the letter Alicia had left on the door and headed towards Jack's house. She had to tell someone about her bite, she would need him to stop Alicia from coming after her once she woke up. I fate, she unfortunately put on Jack, knowing that the brunette would be inconsolable.

She pushed her body to keep moving as she left the front gate, she could feel Jack's eyes on her as he watched her limp away. She headed in a different direction than she had before, not wanting to meet the horde again. Not wanting to join them either. The idea of changing into one of those things made Clarke's skin crawl, but Clarke couldn't put a gun to her head again. She was hopeless in the desert, but managed to find another world and Alicia. Who's to say something like that couldn't happen again? She didn't necessarily believe it, but she had hope. So, instead of using a bullet, she just walked away.

The sun rose after a couple of hours of her uneven walking. She was sure she hadn't made it very far in the time. With her ankle slowing her down and the sickness crawling under her skin, she was bound to be slow. The almost non existent sun made her skin even more damp than it already was, causing her to burn up until she didn't have the strength to keep standing. She breathed a heavy breath as she fell to the hard floor, the dirt road cutting her covered knees. She felt each one of her muscles tighten until moving become impossible, she struggled to push air out of her lungs and her skin felt like it had melted off. Her vision became blurred and little black dots danced in front of her eyes. She willed her body to move, her lungs to breath, but she didn't have the energy to do so. A shuddered breath left her shaking frame and she felt her head colliding with the dirt road. Her last feeling being the roughness off it against the side of her cheek. Then she closed her eyes, her last thought being off a beautiful women and the words she spoke in the past. Death wasn't the end.


"Clarke!" Alicia shot up from the couch, her mind spinning from the images in her head. She looked to her side, afraid of how she would find the blonde, only to see the space empty. She searched each room, her heart breathing a little more with each panicked step. "Clarke?"

"Alicia.." A quiet voice came from the hallway, one Alicia didn't care about hearing. There was only one voice she wanted to hear and it definitely wasn't Jack's. Jack came face to face with Alicia but couldn't meet her eyes. "She's gone."

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