Chapter Eighteen

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   Groans of the dead filled the room, snapping jaws violently sprung to life at any sound, and the whole place smelled like death. The thick, humid smell of old, decaying blood clung to everything in the room, including to the blonde. A sack was tied around her unmoving head, and her ankles were binded together like the rest of the dead that were thrown in the large cell. A groan came from her once pink lips that were now blue and bruised, her bloodshot eyes peered open and stared straight ahead. Sounds of the dead came from every direction around her. She could feel them bumping into her skin, and for a moment, she feared she was one of them. That she was trapped inside her own body, unable to control herself. The fear grew inside of her, causing bumps to form along her skin, while a sticking headache disorientated her.

The numbness of her body faded, and her skin came to life. Each part of her body plauged with pins and needles. She sucked in a deep breath, moving her hands to reach for her face, pulling the tightly tied sack off. Her bloodied blonde hair cascaded around her, as her blue eyes adjusted to the light. She sat up, noticing the dead around her, each one of them struggling to escape their binding. She looked down at her own hands, noticing that they were tied together with some scratchy fabric. She loweded her mouth to the fabric and tugged at it with her teeth. The taste made her cringe, but she tried again anyway, finally managing to escape the bind. She pulled her feet free some of the fabric and stood up, careful to avoid the dead that wriggled like worms around her.

She grabbed the door to the cell in exhaustion, her whole body felt lifeless, and shook it with the remaining strength she had left. She tugged at it harder, blocking out the sounds of the dead becoming increasingly aggressive.

The room was empty bar the cell, which took up most of it, and a barred window that was high up the wall. It let the light in, but she couldn't see anything out of it. She notcied the metal door a little away from the cell, and the camera that sat near it. She saw a red light on it that would occasionally blink. She squinted, trying to focus her tired eyes.

"Hey!" She called, shaking the door in frustration. She had never been a fan of being caged, it had happened too many times to her already. First on the ark, then by the mountain and then briefly by Lexa, although looking back, she hadn't minded that time as much. "Let me out!"

She closed her eyes tightly, willing the dizziness to pass. The cool bars felt good against her sweaty, headache filled head, and she wished she could have been anywhere else. She wished she had woken up next to Alicia. Nothing sounded better to the blonde than looking into her memorising eyes, one look at those green eyes and they took her breath away.

A shuffle from behind her brought her back to reality, the image of Alicia fading into nothingness.

"Shit." Clarke whispered, her eyes falling on the walker that was slowly shuffling towards her, struggling to move quickly with its feet lightly bound. Its hands were tied behind it's back, but the sack over its face had risen up, exposing its snapping mouth. Clarke turned back to the door and tugged at the bars with more force than she through she was capable of. "Get me the hell out of here!" 

She turned back towards the walker when she knew that it was only a step away, pushing it back as it lunged towards her, snapping blindly in a ravenous frenzy.

The cell door behind her gave way, causing her to fall to the floor, losing grip on the walker that fell on top of her. Her eyes tightly closed, expecting to feel a deep bite in her skin. Instead, she felt the dense body being pulled off of her small frame.

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