Chapter 11

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                      “New Year’s Eve.”

It was the New Year’s Eve, Riele was sitting under a shade in her grandma’s garden, checking her phone and taking her favorite smoothie when Jeiel called via face time.

“Hey bestie!” Jeiel called out.

“Jeiel, OMG! It’s been like forever. How are you?” Riele asked.

“I’m fine, how’s Nigeria?” Jeiel asked.

“Nigeria is warm and I’m loving it.” She replied.

“Girl, it’s four degrees in London, like it’s really cold. I saw your cute pictures with Klondike, you guys are having so much fun.” Jeiel said.

“Yes, we met last week.” Reiel said.

“When are you travelling back to Canada?” Jeiel asked.

“On the second of January.” She replied.

Jeiel said “Okay, I will be travelling on the fifth. I found something Riele.”


“Do you remember those K-boots I wanted to buy earlier this year?” Jeiel asked.


“It was so expensive then and I didn’t have enough money to buy it. I saw it last week in London for only 50 pounds.”

“Are you serious? Did you get it?”

“Yes, I bought it.” Jeiel replied.

“When we saw it, it wasn’t popular. Now a lot of people have it.”

“I don’t care, it’s operation ‘It may be out of season’ but imma rock it in it.” Jeiel said gesturing and speaking with an American accent.

“You are so hilarious,” Riele said, laughing. “How are you celebrating New Year’s Eve?”

“Oh yeah, I’m going for a concert with my cousins. It’s a gospel concert in Coventry. I’m so excited, it’s going to be fun.”

“I bet it would,” Riele said, “Mine will be with family, we will probably be going out, but I don’t know where yet.”

“How’s Cydni?”

“She is fine, she’s playing here in the garden. Cydni come say hi to Jeiel!” Riele called out, referring to Cydni. “She ignored me, I think she’s angry with
me.” Riele added.

“What did you do?” Jeiel asked, raising an eye brow.

“I refused to give her some of my smoothie.” Riele replied.

“You both are unbelievable.” Jeiel added.

“Grandma made it specially for me, I don’t know why she’s angry.”

“You’ve had enough, give Cydni the rest.” Jeiel said.


“Now Riele.” Jeiel said, acting like the elder sister.

“Fine,” Riele said, rolling her eyes.

“Cydni come and have it.”

Cydni rejoiced “Yay! Thank you.”

Riele said, “Jeiel, I did a photoshoot for my Grandma’s boutique store last week’s Saturday. We had to move it because of the family’s thanksgiving dinner.”

“Yeah, I saw your pictures with your cousins.”

“It was a small dinner with family and close friends. I met some of my relatives I haven’t met in years. Do you remember Rodney?” Riele asked.

“Yeah, Rodney my love, my number one crush.”

“Right,” Riele laughed, “He came with his girlfriend, Shania.”

“Aww! Is she cute?” Jeiel asked.

“She is very beautiful, I liked her cute little haircut, it made her look very classy.”

“Aww! Anyway, I have to go prepare for the concert.”

“Okay, we’ll talk later.” Riele said.


                       “New Year.”

Riele was in the room folding her clothes into her suitcase and getting ready for the journey. Benita walked in the room with two delivery bags.

“Hi grandma.”

“Tomike darling, are you all packed up for tomorrow?” Benita asked.

“I’m almost done packing.”

“Okay, I brought some Ankara materials from my store. You can sew it when you get to Ontario.” Benita said, handing the package to Riele.

“OMG! Thank You grandma, they are so

“You’re welcome dear. When you get back to Ontario, make sure you take care of yourself, believe in yourself and follow your dreams. You are a rainbow, let your light shine because you are a star, if you need to talk to someone, remember that Grandma is here and will support you no matter what. Even if it means for me to take the next flight to Ontario, I’ll do that for you.”

Riele became emotional, trying to hold back her tears.

“I am and always will be proud of you, go out there, be your authentic self because no one can be you like you and continue to make Grandma proud.”

Riele said, wiping her tears, “Thanks Grandma, I’ll miss you.”

Benita hugged her. “I’ll miss you too. Ehnn, do you remember my friend Adenike?”

“Yes, the woman we met the other day, that owns the beautiful art gallery.”

“Oh yes, she sent these beads to you,” handing the beads over to Riele, “she said it will remind you of your culture and your visit to Nigeria.”

“Oh wow! These are really beautiful, thank you so much.”

Benita stood up from where she was sitting, “Let me allow you to finish packing, it’s almost lunch time.”

“I’ll be out in few minutes.”

“Alright.” Benita said, leaving the room.


I don't know why I made this chapter super short, but I hope you enjoyed reading it.

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Jxt_maryann ❤

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