Chapter 13

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On Friday afternoon, Riele was sitting with Jeiel in class, they just got back from the cafeteria and they were waiting for the next class to begin.
Jeiel said,

“I’m so glad the time table was adjusted. Just when I thought the semester was going to be stressful and then BOOM, free periods and less extracurricular activities, like isn’t God wonderful?”

“He is.” Riele said with a straight face.

“Just one more class and two free periods, then we’ll be done for the day. I wonder why they decided to give us two free periods on Friday.”

Riele replied, “I guess their plan is to give us more time to prepare for our standard tests.”


“Have you submitted your college applications?” Riele asked.

“Not yet, what about you?”

“I’m almost through, just the essay part left.”

“It’s not compulsory to write an essay.” Jeiel said.

“I know, it’s just that my application looks very straight forward, I just need something to spice it up.”

“I understand.”

“I’m struggling to compose a simple essay, you know I’m not really good at writing essays. It’s too difficult.” Riele said sadly.

“Why do you always get yourself so worked up?” Jeiel asked, “You are very smart and I know you can do this. Writing this essay is not hard at all, the school just wants to know you, what you like, what you can do, your achievements so far and what you plan to do in future. They don’t need anything elaborate, just something simple and short, about 300 words.”

“But Jeiel, I’m trying.”

“I know you are and I know you can do better, stop saying it is difficult and get your mind to it. You’ll see that it will turn out great okay?”

Riele nodded.

“That reminds me, I have to go and see Mr. Stanley- the school’s counselor- after the last class. I need to confirm something about my application before
submitting it. Cheer up okay? You’re gonna be alright.”

Riele smiled lightly and Mr Smith, the literature teacher, walked into the class.
The class ended, Riele was sitting in class with her laptop, trying to compose her essay. Trevor noticed how uneasy she was and asked.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, everything is fine.” Riele replied in a low tone.

“Don’t lie to me, what is it?”

Riele exhaled, “I’m trying to compose a good essay for my college application and it’s so difficult. I hate writing essays.”

“It’s not that hard, it’s just for your college application.” Trevor said.

“Yeah, everyone keeps saying that but no one understands me.”

“I have an idea.”

“What is it?” Riele asked.

“Come with me.” He said, standing up from his seat.

“Where are we going to?” Riele asked.

“Trust me, just come with your laptop and your phone.”

“I’m not in the mood for your jokes right now Trevor. I am not going anywhere until you tell me where we are going.”

“Fine, we are going to the courtyard.”

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