[04] - delphinium

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Jungkook walked mindlessly around the vast garden, with a bouquet of flowers wrapped firmly around his fingers hand.

He loved it here.

Somehow, he felt like he's been here for all his life. He knew which path to take, and where will it leads to.

Inhaling the floral scent around the air, he closed his eyes; letting himself ascend to the high. The garden never ceased to wonder, on how picturesque it was. 

Upon being few steps ahead, he saw a familiar figure standing in the middle on blooming flowers. Her hair was midnight-black, slightly wavy on the edge, flowing over her shoulders and rested well just above her waist. 

She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin. Her tapered waist didn't go unnoticed. Her fair complexion compliments the delicate aura around her.

She was captivating, a divine beauty.

Jungkook haven't greeted her with his one of his infamous smile as the lady beat him to it. She turned around and smiled over her shoulder. It was beaming bright and yet he wasn't blinded by it.

Like the bark of a willow tree, her enticing eyes remind of him cinnamon; they gazed at him over her puffy, heart shaped lips. 

"Jungkook..."  such sugary voice calling his name, it was his guilty pleasure.

He replied her greetings with his own version of incomparable dazzling smile as he stepped closer to her. "My lady..." greeted with his arm extending to offer his escort.

She gladly granted his request by sliding her arms in a loop and locked it around his.

And they walked towards the familiar spot under the tree.

"What have you prepared for me today, my dear sir?" she changed the tone and accent into a more refined and fancy sounded one

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"What have you prepared for me today, my dear sir?" she changed the tone and accent into a more refined and fancy sounded one.

Jungkook laughed amusingly before, "...Today's flower is another special type too." He proudly announced.

lost boy // jjk ✔Where stories live. Discover now