[07] - daisy

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It was awfully quiet in the infirmary.

The moment she called his name; that was when Ae-Ri lost her consciousness, right in the arms of Jungkook. He, of course, didn't waste anytime to pick her petite weak figure up, "Where's the fucking infirmary?" he shouted, making the whole cafeteria silenced, including the teacher.

"I'll take you." Thankfully, the mint-haired boy broke the silence of the room and quickly showed the way. Three of them left the unhelpful students in the cafeteria, who were still stuck in the head from the incident.

Jungkook had been sitting next to Ae-Ri's sleeping body the moment they arrived. The mint haired boy stood at the corner of the bed, watching how Jungkook was firmly holding her hand with such concern in his eyes.

Who is this boy?

Why is he so attached to Ae-Ri?

What does he meant by Ae-Ri was his woman?

Those are some of the questions that he had roaming around his head since Jungkook made his grand appearance in the cafeteria.

He faked a cough to break the awkward silence between them.

Jungkook finally broke his worrying gaze from Ae-Ri, "Thank you for showing me the way..." he hesitated as he didn't know his name.

"Yoongi." he resumed Jungkook's unfinished sentence.

"Thank you, Yoongi." he bowed his head downward as a sign of respect, before paying his attention back to the girl lying on the bed. His heart aches to the sight of her.

To go through such torture while others just stood and watch her suffering.

What kind of people attend this school?

How could no one do anything to help?

What a fucked up school.

Jungkook's grip got tighter the more he thought about what just happened.

"Park Corp. huh? What a joke." he thought to himself.

His train of thoughts were cut short as Yoongi spoke, "...Who are you exactly?" he asked.

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." he answered.

Usually he would reach out his right hand for a handshake but Jungkook doesn't want to let go of Ae-Ri's hand just yet.

"I never saw you before, you're new I assume?..."

"...So what's your relationship with Ae-Ri? Since when did you guys started dating?..."

lost boy // jjk ✔Where stories live. Discover now