Prologue: Lucius' Secret

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It was a warm summer evening. One where the sun set on the horizon, uninhibited by clouds, and fireflies lit up the night sky like fireworks. Throughout England, families were cooking food on their grill, or having drinks on their back porch. Kids were groaning as their parents told them it was getting too dark to continue swimming. Yet Malfoy Manor remained a cold frigid symbol of winter. Even the enclosed grounds surrounding the Manor seemed to be colder than the surrounding area. Squirrels, chipmunks, and even the fireflies appeared to avoid it.

Inside the Manor, Lucius sat poised and collected, across from his two guests, Crabbe and Goyle, Senior. "I do believe that we have discussed what a shame it is that our children must go to school with mudbloods and blood traitors, Lucius, but taking any action might be... messy," said Crabbe.

"After his downfall, we don't have much to go on anymore. He's simply gone," agreed Goyle.

"Perhaps not," Lucius answered coyly.

Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other with disbelief, "Surely if he were back-" started Crabbe, but Lucius cut him off.

"Back in the flesh, goodness no," Lucius interrupted. "But we can't discount the power of a memory."

At this moment, Dobby, one of the Malfoy's house elves, made the unfortunate mistake of dropping a book that he was dusting. The sound made a large boom echoing through the parlor, and Dobby dove to grab it from the ground. "Dobby is very sorry master," he wailed.

Lucius showed no sign of anger, but pure contempt. Without even standing to address the elf, he lifted his wand and muttered, "Crucio," allowing Dobby to scream and shake violently on the floor in searing pain. About thirty seconds later, Lucius lowered his wand, still just as calm as before.

"Where were we," said Lucius, as Dobby struggled to hold in his sobs and continued dusting the books. Lucius's guests did not seem put off by such a display of events. They too had their own house elves to manage back at home.

"Ah yes," Lucius continued, and he held up a small black journal for Crabbe and Goyle to see. "The Dark Lord gave this to me many years ago. I was to smuggle it into Hogwarts on his word, but he was- met with tragedy before he had the chance to tell me to release it."

"What is it?" asked Goyle cautiously. He looked around, worried that he may be the only one who didn't understand. He was met with great comfort when he saw the confusion in Crabbe's eyes.

"This," said Lucius. "Is the key to the Chamber of Secrets. This will release the basilisk."

The little, blonde, twelve year old Malfoy boy- was perhaps not so little anymore. He had grown considerably over the summer, and his voice was in the process of dropping. However, any outward changes Draco showed did not mean his personality had changed one bit. The mischievous boy pressed his ear to the parlor door, trying his best to hear just a little bit better, and to his dismay, the door made a creaking sound.

With a wave of Lucius' wand, the doors flew open leaving Draco quite alone and unprotected in front of his father and his friends. "Draco," said Lucius, not lowering his wand.

"I-I'm sorry, I was just," Draco started.

"Nonsense," said Lucius blankly, finally lowering his wand. "I have been hoping you would take an interest in my affairs for years. Sit."

Draco reluctantly sat on the opposite end of the couch Lucius was sitting on, and looked around sheepishly.

"Draco, this is the year we make Hogwarts a better school," said Lucius choosing his words carefully. "It is time for you to grow up and stop focusing on childish things, so I have a job for you. If something... lets say odd were to happen this year, I want you to make a big fuss over it. And if you are able to rile up some of your classmates, ideally the blame of these odd events should fall on Dumbledore. Do you understand me?"

Draco looked into his dad's eyes and gulped, but tried his best to not act scared, "Yes Father."

"Good," Lucius replied.

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