Chapter Eight: The First Match

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There are several dialogue quotes taken from JK Rowling's Chamber of Secrets in this book. This is to convey the same story she wrote, but from another character's POV. The quotes taken directly from the book have three quotation marks (instead of two) around them to signify she wrote them and that I am citing them. Because I am transforming pieces of her work into something new this falls under the Fair Use Act. Additionally, JK Rowling has stated that she is okay with noncommercial fan fiction. All direct quotes, the Harry Potter storyline, and the characters all belong to JK Rowling.

Draco did not hear back from his father, which didn't come as too much of a surprise. Lucius was a busy man with little time to spend writing letters to his son. Especially, considering that Draco often asked questions that Lucius didn't want to answer.

Draco woke up at 5:00 am the morning of his first quidditch match, unable to go back to sleep. The Slytherins would be playing against Gryffindor, and this would be his chance to prove himself against Harry. He paced back and forth across the dorm, going over quidditch plays in his head. When he could no longer stand to be in his room, he went down to breakfast, and was the first person to sit down. He hardly even noticed when his friends finally sat down next to him.

"You have to eat something," said Daphne, sliding a piece of toast in his direction.

Draco, snapped out of his daze, glanced up at the clock, 10:00 am. "No, actually I should go. Flint wants us to meet at 10:30."

"Wait- Draco," Pansy called after him. "...Good luck... and everything."

"Thanks," said Draco, and he made his way out of the dining hall to the Slytherin locker rooms.

Draco quickly got changed and sat down on the bench, furiously shaking his right leg with anticipation. The minutes dragged by slowly and relentlessly.

At 10:40 am Flint finally spoke. "I'm not going to lie to you guys," he said. "Despite what we say as smack talk, the Gryffindor team is good."

This opening statement was met with the sounds of boos and laughs.

"Shut it!" Flint shouted, regaining control of the team. "The Gryffindor team is tough competition, and to deny that would be the worst mistake we could make. However, in addition to having superior equipment, we have something else that the Gryffindor team will never have. That something is that we have nothing to lose. Play as dirty as you need, pull any stunt in the book because at the end of the day they other houses are never going to like us regardless of what we do. If you can't make them like you, make them fear you. I'm counting on that from every one of you today. Do you understand?"

The Slytherin team clapped, nodded, and cheered in response. Draco felt as if his heart may fall out of his chest right then and there. It was like his body was on autopilot, and he wasn't controlling it. Then Flint came up behind him and patted him on the back. "Harry is great," he whispered. "But you're better."

Suddenly, Draco didn't feel so nervous. He now felt completely in control, and like he knew what he had to do. "I know," he whispered back, smirking and feeling completely determined.

As the Slytherin team walked onto the field, Draco noticed that the Slytherins in the stands must have been completely wrecking their voices trying to cheer over the booing from the other three houses. Next, the Gryffindors walked onto the field to the sounds of three houses brightly cheering for them.

Flint and the Gryffindor quidditch captain, Wood, shook hands while exchanging deadly glances. Then each player took a ready stance on their broom and waited for Madam Hooch's signal. "'On my whistle,'" she shouted. "'Three . . . two . . .one . . .'"

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