Chapter Seven: Mrs. Norris

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There are several dialogue quotes taken from JK Rowling's Chamber of Secrets in this book. This is to convey the same story she wrote, but from another character's POV. The quotes taken directly from the book have three quotation marks (instead of two) around them to signify she wrote them and that I am citing them. Because I am transforming pieces of her work into something new this falls under the Fair Use Act. Additionally, JK Rowling has stated that she is okay with noncommercial fan fiction. All direct quotes, the Harry Potter storyline, and the characters all belong to JK Rowling.

The caretaker, Flich, shouted as he pushed his way through the crowd to see his beloved cat, which was hanging, seemingly dead, by its tail on a torch. However the words that were shouted all around Draco seemed to be bouncing off his ears entirely, as he felt his friends' eyes on him. He had lost track of what was happening until Daphne grabbed his arm and yanked him towards the Slytherin common room.

"Hm- what's happening?" Draco asked, breaking from his daze.

"Honestly, you're ridiculous," Daphne answered sharply. "Professor Snape just told all of us to get back to our houses."

The four Slytherins hurried down the hallways and into the common room. "Nice one, what you said back there" Crabbe shouted at Draco, patting him on the back as he walked by.

Daphne pulled Draco into a corner of the room. "What the hell was that?" She whisper-shouted.

"What was what?" Asked Draco, dumbly.

"Stop playing mate," said Blaise. "She's talking about when you literally shouted, 'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, you'll be next mudbloods.'"

"You wrote that on the wall didn't you?" Daphne asked incredulously, eyes welling up with tears. "You killed Flich's cat."

"Don't be stupid Daphne," said Pansy, raising her voice. "There is no reason to believe that."

"Really?" Daphne shouted back. "Then why did he ask about the Chamber of Secrets on the ride here?"

"He didn't do it," Blaise interjected firmly, "We were literally with him all night. But he clearly knows something we don't."

"Look it was just a stupid joke," Draco shouted. "Why do you guys care so much? It's just the stupid mudbloods, or have you gone blood traitor on us, Daphne?"

"There is a difference between not wanting to associate with muggle borns, and wanting them dead, you ass" Daphne seethed, through clenched teeth.

"Shut up, Daphne!" Pansy shouted. "You don't get to sit there and dictate the degree to which we are allowed to not like muggle borns."

"What the-" Daphne began to shout back, but Blaise interrupted her.

"The important thing here is that implying muggle borns should die does not make us look good in the eyes of the school, okay? I'm sure we can all agree on that. But we can't turn on each other like this or we will have no one. Are you listening to me Draco?" asked Blaise. "You need to start talking, because if you push us away, you will have no one. So Draco... what... the fuck... was that?"

Draco slumped down, sitting against the wall, completely exasperated. "My dad may have implied to me that the Chamber of Secrets would open this year... And he is hoping that everyone understands that if Dumbledore can't keep us safe, it is his fault."

Blaise, Pansy, and Daphne kneeled down beside Draco. Draco's face held no sign of emotion, no window into his thoughts. He very consciously had not mentioned that his father had perpetuated opening the chamber by passing on the key, which held the form of a diary. Or the fact that his dad had asked him to incite panic in the other students. Or anything about the basilisk. He knew that telling them too much could put his father in danger of going to Azkaban, or make him risk losing his friends forever.

Draco Malfoy and the Chamber of SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora