Chapter One: The Funeral

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The summer started out a bit rocky for Draco Malfoy. When he had returned home from the platform, the first thing his father had asked him was what his rank was. "Father, I tried my absolute best, I studied for months, but I got second. However, Professor Snape told me that he still plans to mentor me," Draco had said, with all the courage he could muster.

"I see," Lucius had replied, turning his back to Draco. However, Draco let out a sigh of relief too soon, because then his father had whipped around and shouted, "Crucio!"

Every time Lucius had ever used the Cruciatus Curse on Draco, Narcissa begged and pleaded for him to stop. "Stop is Cissy!" Lucius would shout, shaking her from his arm, "This is how the boy will learn!"

Draco had screamed and sobbed, thrashing around on the ground. You never got used to the Cruciatus Curse. The pain didn't dull the more you endured it. It surged throughout your body until you were sure you would die. When Lucius had finally decided it was enough, he walked over to Draco and pulled him up by his collar, "I am helping you," he had spat.

The good news was that after a blow up like that, Lucius would usually withdraw, and somewhat ignore Draco, which was the case this time... or was the case this time until Draco had listened in on his father's meeting and was now assigned a job.

The chamber of secrets? A basilisk? Draco had reread half his library trying to figure out what those two things were. However, he couldn't find any information anywhere.

His father's violence, the task, grades, quidditch tryouts, thoughts swam through Draco's head at a million miles per hour, giving him nausea. Draco felt as though he may have another breakdown, so he ran to the gardens with one of the only muggle inventions, pureblood wizards deemed acceptable to use, a small wireless radio.

Draco sat underneath a large oak tree, leaning against the trunk. He quietly sang along to the radio, allowing his mind to forget all his stress. He still had an entire month left before school started, and there was no reason to worry about grades and quidditch now.

Suddenly Niklaus swooped down to Draco delivering a single letter addressed to Draco. It was from Blaise. Draco hadn't really seen or heard much from his friends over break, as they all were quite busy at home with one thing or another. It felt good to have contact with someone his age again, and Draco quickly ripped open the envelope.


My stepfather died. I would appreciate it if you came to the funeral on the 5th of August.


Draco probably shouldn't have felt any excitement at Blaise's news, but he was dying to see his friends again. Later that day his parents received a more official invitation for their family to attend Avid Spavin's funeral. It was quite customary for prestigious purebloods to attend such events, regardless of how close they were to the family.

A few days later, Draco dressed in his black funeral wear and slicked his hair back into the same hairstyle he wore everyday. Draco had been to four other funerals of Mrs. Zabini's husbands. They had a strange tendency to die rather quickly after marrying her. However, Draco didn't really know Blaise back then. He had just gone along with his parents. Now he had to be there for Blaise, but what was he supposed to say? What do you say to a friend who's new step father dies every few years?

The Malfoy family used Floo Powder to arrive at the Zabini household. It was a grand gothic style mansion filled with warm rich colors, and ornate antiques. They followed the other guests out into the backyard where a large service was being held. Draco could see a small cemetery to the right of the ceremony, and what looked to be his friends standing inside it. "Go find your friend sweetie," Narcissa whispered to Draco, "comfort him."

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