Chapter Two: The Shop of Wonders

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There are several dialogue quotes taken from JK Rowling's Chamber of Secrets in this book. This is to convey the same story she wrote, but from another character's POV. The quotes taken directly from the book have three quotation marks (instead of two) around them to signify she wrote them and that I am citing them. Because I am transforming pieces of her work into something new this falls under the Fair Use Act. Additionally, JK Rowling has stated that she is okay with noncommercial fan fiction. All direct quotes, the Harry Potter storyline, and the characters all belong to JK Rowling.

One lovely Wednesday morning, a couple of weeks before the start of term, Draco woke up to a gentle knock on his door. "Come in," he called lazily, still tucked under his warm covers.

A small female house elf came in, holding a tray of food. "Master Draco," she said, setting down the tray at the end of his bed. "Your father expects you down in an hour to get your school things."

Draco's eyes widened, and he shot up in bed. "My- father?" he asked. "Are you sure? He never has time to do things with me."

The elf looked as if she wanted to say something in response, but thought better, and simply nodded. She then turned and left without saying anything else. Draco picked at his food, too nervous to eat much of anything. He put on the nicest of his casual outfits, and spent an extra twenty minutes slicking back his hair. He made sure to grab his list of school supplies before he walked out the door.

As Draco started down the stairs, he noticed his father already standing there looking about boredly. His heart skipped a beat. It really was his father, standing there, ready to go shopping with him. A part of him was anxious that maybe he would be in a bad mood, or have some ulterior motive. However, they were going out to a public place ,and it seemed as if for once he just wanted to spend time with Draco. Maybe they could turn over a new leaf, and work on their relationship.

"Good morning Father," said Draco happily.

"Draco," Lucius replied, and the two of them made their way to the fireplace.

"I-I'm happy you weren't too busy to take me to get my things," said Draco.

"Yes well, hopefully this won't take too long. In addition to getting your things I have a couple errands to run. We'll pick up your birthday present as well," said Lucius.

Draco couldn't help but grin. His birthday was months ago, and although he knew his father was a busy man, Draco was starting to think he had forgotten all together. "Listen carefully," said Lucius, jabbing Draco with his ornate snake head cane. "I'm getting you a broom far superior than Potter. This way you will have no excuse to not get on the house team. You will have no excuse to be beaten by Potter. And while we're having this conversation, I expect improvement in your class rank as well."

Lucius stepped into the fireplace, grabbed a handful of Floo Powder, and shouted Diagon Alley. Draco followed suit, and they ended up in a small shop. Draco talked his father's ear off about how unfair it was, the way people treated Potter, as they restocked on items for potions, and made a withdrawal from Gringotts. Lucius was growing more and more impatient with his chatty son who was not picking up on his father's annoyance.

Draco was so lost in his very one-sided conversation, that he didn't even notice that he was following Lucius out of the beautiful, energetic, Diagon Alley, and down the dark, creepy narrow road that was Knockturn Alley. "Wait Knockturn-" Draco said.

Lucius gave Draco a small wack on the back of the head with his cane. "I have had quite enough out of you," he said. "Stop embarrassing me with your mindless chatter, and get serious."

Lucius pulled Draco harshly by the arm, into a small antique shop called Borgin and Burkes. Immediately, Draco was overwhelmed by the beautiful items that stood before him. Curious, antiques lined the shelves, and were stacked in every bit of room available.

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