Chapter 3

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Owen POV:
1 week later

I sat behind the steering wheel of my Jeep, parked in the gas station parking lot, just staring at the little diner that I entered last week. I couldn't get her out of my head. I just had to know who she was. So here I am, 10-o-clock on a Saturday night, sitting in my car like a fucking stalker, waiting for the unknown beauty to walk out the door.

"What the hell am I doing?" I groaned, rubbing my palms over my face. "This is fucking ridiculous."

Just as I was about to put the car in drive and pull out, I saw her. My breath hitched and I stopped breathing for a minute. She was just as beautiful, if not more, than what I remembered. She was laughing with the blonde waitress that tried to hit on me last week. They hugged and I waited to see what car she was going to climb into, until I saw her walk to a bike that was chained to a pole.

What the fuck. I thought to myself. I was in disbelief that this woman was going to ride a fucking bike home, on country roads, in the fucking dark. Shaking my head, I clenched the steering wheel hard, turning my knuckles white.

Not being able to take the chance of something happening to her, I climbed out of my car quickly and trotted over to her.

As I approached her from behind, she immediately spun around, key in between her fingers as her hand made a fist. Her eyes were brazen and she looked ready to fight but when she saw that I wasn't a threat, she lowered her weapon and breathed out slowly.

What is this woman so scared of? I thought to myself. I studied her for a quick second and slowly offered my hand to introduce myself.

I cleared my throat, "uh, hi. My name is Owen. Owen Quinn." She didn't respond and she didn't grasp my hand. She had a hardened look to her face as she stared at my hand and back to my face.

She didn't trust me. I don't blame her. In fact, I'm happy to learn that she doesn't trust strangers so easily. I lowered my hand and smirked at her.

She still glowered at me but then she spoke, "my name is Ava."

Her voice was just as melodic as before and it made me almost weak in the knees. This wasn't good.

She stared at me another moment before turning back to her bike and pulling off the lock before shoving it into her bag. I couldn't let her leave on the bike. If something happened to her, my mind told me I wouldn't be able to bare it.

"Ava," I got her attention back to me, "I promise I mean no harm, but it's dark out and the roads can be dangerous to pedestrians. Can I give you a ride home?" I looked at her with a genuine look of concern on my face so she would know that I wasn't just trying to lure her into my car to murder her somewhere.

We just stood, staring at each other. I was unable to read her expression or push through her barrier she had up. She didn't trust me.

"Please. You can send a picture of my license plate to your friends and family, you can send a picture of me to them too and the make and model of my car. I just want to make sure you get home safe." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

She eyed me, studying my face, "Why?" She bit out.

"I just don't want to see something happen to you, knowing full well I could've prevented it," I sighed, raising my hands in defeat.

We stood there for a few more minutes, and as I was about to turn and give up, I heard her speak up.

"Okay." That was all she said as she took her bike and wheeled it to my Jeep. After hooking up her bike on the back, we climbed in and she pointed the direction to her home.

Please let me know if you like this story. If I should continue it.
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Broken. (Ongoing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang