No Sketchers (Christmas special)

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The pile of clothes had grown high on your bed with contributions from Mina, Momo, Urakaka, and Tsu. You were dumbfounded by the different varieties of dresses, skirts, and heels that were thrown around your room. "um guys? I just wanted advice on how to dress girly, is changing my whole wardrobe necessary?" you quirked an eyebrow in confusion. Mina threw an arm around your shoulders, nearly knocking you over, you grabbed onto the chair of your desk to keep your balance. "You can't just decide to change your look to get a guy and only have one outfit!!!" Mina exclaimed while you let your head hang low on your shoulders in embarrassment, you had always been a bit of a tomboy, growing up with four brothers and a father didn't help.

This, along with you feeling uncomfortable in girly clothing even requesting to wear a male uniform at UA, had landed you with being branded a tomboy. You didn't mind it though you liked your boyish nature, that is until you started having a crush on Bakugo. You had both trained together and hung out outside of class along with the rest of the Bakusquad; during that time you started to notice how Bakugo seemed arrogant and loud but really he was just determined to become the best hero, and he may not seem very smart but you found that he was actually a pretty good tutor; to you at least, during the few study sessions you would have with him in your dorm. "You guys I know I asked for your help but I think we are forgetting something..." you rubbed the back of your neck. You looked down at your regular clothes; a baggy T-shirt decorated with the words, "All might" in red, blue, and gold colors, comfy jeans with a few rips in it from your thighs down to your calves, and a baseball cap with a jean fabric covering it.

"I don't know how to act like all...girly and junk" you blushed, scratching the back of your head nervously; all the girls cooed and hugged you tightly rubbing your head "Awwww! It's okay we can help you!" Mina thought for a moment, Uraraka placed a hand gently on your shoulder "it'll be okay, just try thinking about how you think other girls act around boys" you put your hands behind your head as you began to think. From what you could tell most of the girls in your class acted very shy around their crushes, and you noticed that Uraraka never acted competitively with Midoriya in training as you did with Bakugo. You admitted to yourself you didn't like having to act like you didn't like wearing loose pants and t-shirts, or having to act like, in your opinion, a daffodil. But, you noticed how Bakugo looked at Uraraka with respect after fighting her in the sports festival not being able to stop yourself from getting jealous, that was the day you asked for the help of the 1-A girls, they sat you in a chair and started on their work.

You watched Bakugo at his seat surrounded by the boys of the Bakusquad, his usual annoyed look on his face. You gulped as you turned to hide by the door frame, looking at Momo as you did so "I don't think I can do this, I feel so alien when I look like this" you blushed tugging down at the hem of your skirt and rubbed your arms. Mina had taken your hoodie and not even having your tights under your skirt you felt exposed. Momo waved her arms in the air as she gave you a disappointed look "you can do this, love must be bold!" she gushed as she held your shoulders. "Wait a minute Momo I'm not ahh!"; turning you towards the open classroom door Momo gently pushed you into the classroom. You stretched your arms out bracing yourself for the impact as you tripped and you fell to the floor. "Hey! You need to watch where you're going!" you opened your eyes to see Bakugo holding onto your wrist, pulling you towards him you fell into his chest. You felt the heat rise to your ears as you backed away and pushed yourself off of him a little to catch your footing; clearing your throat you looked up at him "good morning Bakugo" that's when you noticed that your class was staring at your uniform.

"Uh I mean thank you very much, that was very kind of you to catch me" you felt yourself internally screaming, you were an idiot and you couldn't help to feel off. This wasn't how you would usually greet him, most mornings you would go over to his desk and you would both have a playful argument by calling each other nicknames that would piss off the other, Bakugo often ended up losing due to his short temper but that isn't to say that you were unamused by the nicknames he would tease you with. You looked up to see Bakugo staring at you with a smirk he noticed how your legs shivered from the cold "dumbass you're gonna freeze your ass off...girly boy" his smirk widened as your jaw dropped. You hated when he called you that name and you were about to retort when you stopped yourself.

Bakugo x female reader (collection of one shots)Where stories live. Discover now